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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (25): Machado to Mustafa

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 602–652

536. MACHADO, A. D. 1902. A vocabulary of the Jakuns of Batu Pahat, Johore, together with some remarks on their customs and peculiarities. JSBRAS 38: 29–34.
537. MAHANUM Ghazali, et al. 1993. Laporan kajian etnografi masyarakat Orang Asli di kampung Orang Asli Ulu Grik Perak Darul Ridzuan [Report of an ethnographic study of an Orang Asli society in a village in U. Grik]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
538. MAHDI b. Mohd. Nawi. 1970. The Orang Kanaq of Mawai. B.A. thesis, Department of Social Work, University of Singapore, Singapore — one of only a few studies of this little known people. [LTP]
539. MAHI Din b. Sari. 1983. Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Perak: Satu tinjauan mengenai gerakan Pengislaman Orang-orang Asli di Perak [The Perak Islamic Affairs Department: An observation of Orang Asli Islamization in Perak]. Latihan Ilmiah, Ijazah Sarjanamuda, Jabatan Usuluddin dan Falsafah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
540. MAHMUD b. Mat (Dato). 1954. The passing of slavery in East Pahang. Malayan Historical Journal 1(1): 8–10 — cited in KME #303 for information on slavery of Orang Asli.

541. MARTIN, Rudolf. 1899. Die Ureinwohner der malayischen Halbinsel [The aboriginal inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula]. Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft 125: 21.
542. ——. 1905. Die Inlandstämme der Malayischen Halbinsel [The inland tribes of the Malay Peninsula]. Jena: Gustav Fischer — on Semai of Perak, based on first hand field observations. Martin was among the earliest who tried to confirm findings of Vaughan-Stevens [LTP]. Reprinted 1907 in J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. vol. 2. no. 2.
543. MATHUR, Satkuna [=Satkuna Devi Ayampillay]. 1976. Kampung Tanjung Sepat: A Besese (Mah Meri) community of coastal Selangor. Ed. Anthony R. Walker. Provisional research report no. 6, Social Anthropology Section, School of Comparative Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
544. ——. 1986. The Besisi and their religion: An introduction to the people, the beliefs and the ritual practices of an aboriginal community of coastal Selangor, Malaysia. Contrib. SEA Ethnog. 5: 137–181.
545. MAXWELL, C[harlton] N. 1897. Report to Government relating to the Sakai tribes in Selangor, Ulu Selangor district. Reprinted in Sel. J. 5: 398.
546. MAXWELL, (Sir) W[illiam] E[dward]. 1878. The Semang and Sakei tribes of the districts of Kedah and Perak bordering on province of Wellesley. JSBRAS 1: 111–113 — general notes based on brief encounters at the Selama and Baling Rivers. Topics include marriage practices, deities, mobility, trade with Malays, and relationship with the Raja of Kedah [LTP]. Authorship of article not given in the text but is elsewhere attributed to Maxwell.
547. ——. 1879. The aboriginal tribes of Perak. JSBRAS 4: 46–50 — includes information on Malay slavery of Orang Asli: e.g., the tendency to kill the men and take the women and children, and the role of Orang Asli in procuring slaves for Malay traders. [KME #303]
548. ——. 1882. A journey on foot to the Patani frontier in 1872. JSBRAS 9: 1–67.
549. ——. 1890. The law relating to slavery among the Malays. JSBRAS 22: 247–298.
550. MCCARTHY, J. 1900. Surveying and exploring in Siam. London: John Murray — apparently with information on Orang Asli tin mining, as cited in Dodge #278.
551. MCHUGH, J. N. 1961. The dragon of Chini and recent discoveries under the lake. Malaya in History 6(2): 3–8 — little more than a travel account, includes Orang Asli beliefs about crocodiles and report of recent archaeological finds. Suggests that there has been a long history of human settlement in Chini, and advocates more excavations. [LTP]
552. MCLELLAN, Susan. 1985. Orang Asli: An analysis of state penetration and development plans on aboriginal peoples of West Malaysia. RIMA19(2): 80–112 — argues that ethnicity is the means by which Orang Asli are brought into the political arena and also by which they are denied equitable access to resources. Evaluates the integration process by examining the Third and Fourth Malaysia Plans (where the “Orang Asli” category is collectively lumped under “Bumiputra”). Analyzes Orang Asli rights over the course of the Emergency and the post-Independence era. [LTP]
553. MCNAIR, (Major) [J.] Fred [A.] 1878. Perak and the Malays: “Sarong” and “Kris”. London: Tinsley Brothers — popular account written by a surveyor in the Straits Settlements. Mostly on the Malays. Chapter 13 describes Semang and Sakai, including hunting methods, missionizing by Borie, ongoing studies by Miklucho-Maclay, etc. Chapter 14 is on debt-slavery among Malays and slavery, with brief mentions of Sakai women being “hunted down like wild beasts, becoming with their children slaves through generation after generation”. A good read though with inaccuracies and biased by the author’s colonial and commercial sympathies [LTP]. Reprinted 1972 (Kuala Lumpur: OUP).
554. MEANS, Gordon P. 1985. The Orang Asli: Aboriginal policies in Malaysia. Pacific Affairs 58: 637–652.
555. MEANS, Paul B., and Nathalie MEANS. n.d. (1982). And the seed grew. Singapore: privately published, 95 pp. — history of the work of the Methodist Mission to improve Orang Asli educational and economic conditions (1930–1981). Includes excerpts from letters and reports of the Batak Gurus employed by the Methodist Mission from 1932 until the Japanese Occupation. The Batak operated schools, clinics and agricultural training programmes, mostly among the Sengoi Semai. Completed by Nathalie Means from an unfinished MS. by Paul Means (who from 1930 to 1941 was responsible for directing the work for the Methodist Church and had accumulated many of the Batak’s records and letters) [GM]. Out of print.
556. MEYNERS d’ESTREY, (Comte) H. 1895. Tribus aborigènes et autres de la Presqu’île de Malacca [Aboriginal and other tribes of the Malay Peninsula]. Revue de Géographie 37: 110–111.
557. MIDDLEBROOK, S. M. 1933. Pulai: An early Chinese settlement in Kelantan. JSBRAS 11: 151–156 — includes mention of a Temiar war party attacking the settlement. [GB #109]
558. MIKLUCHO-MACLAY, (Baron) Nicolai von. 1875. Ethnologische excursion in Johore [Ethnological excursion in Johor]. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Indie vol. 35: 250.
559. ——. 1878. Dialects of the Melanesian tribes in the Malay Peninsula. JSBRAS 1: 38–44 — on replacement of Southern Aslian languages by Malayic (Jakun) dialects [GB]. Trans. C. L. Sentinella from “Einiges über die dialecte der Melanesischen völkerschaften in der Malaiischen halbinsel” (Tijdschrift voor Ind. Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde vol. 23, pp. 309–312, 1876)
560. ——. 1878. Ethnological excursions in the Malay Peninsula—November 1874 to October 1875 (Preliminary communication). JSBRAS 2: 205–221 — ethnographic overview of the “Orang Utan” encountered in Kelantan, who the Malays categorized as “Sakai Liar” and “Sakai Jina”. Includes observations of the people’s modes of movement in the forest and suggestions of close alliances (trade, marriage, etc.) between the “Sakai Jina” and Malays. The first known written account of the Batek [LTP]. Trans. C. L. Sentinella from “Ethnologische excursionen in der Malayischen halbinsel (Nov. 1874 to Oct. 1875)” (Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Indie vol. 36, pp. 3–26, 1876). Skeat notes for the original version that it includes three photographs of “Sakai and Semang, stated to have been drawn with the help of a camera lucida, and to be the best in his collection” (#Skagden: xxxvi).
561. ——. “Miklucho-Maclay’s journey in the Malay Peninsula (Nov. 1874–Oct. 1875)”, trans. C. L. Sentinella. Sobranie Sochinenii Mikloucho-Maklaia 2: 116–234, 665–675; and 3: 348–367. Manuscipt ML MSS. 2913, Mitchell Library, Sydney, Australia — Sentinella was the translator for Miklucho-Maclay’s English-language articles; there are significant differences, including a longer vocabulary, between this original MS. and the published versions listed above. [KME]
562. MILLER, Harry. 1972. Jungle war in Malaya: The campaign against Communism in 1948–60. London: Arthur Barker — on the Emergency, with a section entitled “Control the Aborigines”.
563. MILTON, O. 1962. The Krau Game Reserve and the Che Wong. MNJ 16: 36–43 — a few notes about the Chewong; provides a “census” which is 28 more than in Ogilvie’s count (#723). See Carey’s response to this article (#166). [RKL #1691]
564. MOHD. ANIS Mohd. Nor. 1996. “From Sewang, Halaq and Tenamu: Preserving and transforming ritual dances of the Orang Asli of Malaysia”. Pp. 8–14 in Green Mill Dance Project, 4th World Dance ’96: New dance from old cultures. Melbourne: GDMP — with some attention to Temiar dance and bodily techniques; describes Abilem Lum’s performance at the University of Malaya. [ASB]
565. MOHD. ARIFF Mohd. Shariff, AHMAD Izamuddin Sulaiman @ Mat Ali, ROSSNITA Sardi, and H. Dk. FATIMAH H. Pg. Jalaluddin. 1993. Orang Asli di Malaysia: Satu kajian kes ke atas suku kaum Temiar di Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula (RPS) Kemar, Daerah Gerik, Hulu Perak [Orang Asli in Malaysia: A case study of the Temiar at RPS Kemar]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
566. MOHD. HANIF Zakariah. 1992. Pendidikan formal Orang Asli: Satu penelitian terhadap pencapaian dan masalah keciciran murid-murid Orang Asli dalam pendidikan [Orang Asli formal education: An observation of Orang Asli pupils’ achievements and the dropout problem]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
567. MOHD. IBRAHIM Munshi. 1975. The voyages of Mohamed Ibrahim Munshi, trans., introd., and ed. Amin Sweeney and Nigel Phillips. Kuala Lumpur: OUP — Ibrahim, the son of Abdullah Kadir (see #39), worked for the Maharaja Abu Bakar of Johor; this book is an account of several of his business trips. On an 1838 trip to Pahang, he observed Jakun collecting forest products for Malays and working in Malay gold mines; in 1871, he reported that some Jakun worked as tin mining scouts for Malays [LTP; CN #684]. Original publication date unknown.
568. MOHD. KASSIM b. Hj. Ali. 1979. “Material culture of the Orang Asli in the National Museum”. Pp. 91–104 in #30 — describes the collection and how it is exhibited at the Museum; includes brief notes on proper labelling of artefacts. [LTP]
569. MOHD. RADZI Ismail. 1994. Peranan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) negeri Terengganu dalam membangunkan masyarakat Orang Asli [The role of the Terengganu JHEOA in developing Orang Asli societies]. Latihan Ilmiah, Ijazah Sarjanamuda, Jabatan Pengajian Dakwah dan Kepimpinan, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
570. MOHD. SHAHWAHID Hj. Othman. 1996. Community profile survey of the Semelai population at Tasek Bera. Integrated Management of Tasek Bera Technical Report Series. Wetlands International—Asia Pacific, Kuala Lumpur. [see note for #189]
571. MOHD. SHAHWAHID Hj. Othman, and NIK MUSTAFFA Raja Abdullah. 1991. Economic valuation of wetland plant, animal and fish species of Tasek Bera and residents’ perceptions on development and conservation. A sub-project of AWB/WWF Project 3927 (Phase II), Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia. [=Asian Wetland Bureau publication no. 77; see note for #189]
572. MOHD. SHARIL Bakri, et al. 1993. Kajian masyarakat Semai di daerah Batang Padang (Batu 6, Batu 7 dan Batu 8) tumpuan kepada aspek sosioekonomi [Study of Semai society in Batang Padang district, focusing on socio-economic aspects]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
573. MOHD. TAHIR Hj. Ismail. 1989. Hubungan etnik di kalangan Orang Seletar: Tumpuan kajian di Kampung Simpang Arang, Gelang Patah, Johor [Ethnic relations among the Orang Seletar]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
574. MOHD. TAP b. Salleh. 1977. An integrated development planning for the development of Orang Asli in West Malaysia. M.Sc. thesis, University of Wales, Swansea.
575. ——. 1990. An examination of development planning among the rural Orang Asli of West Malaysia. Ph.D. thesis, University of Bath — oft-cited study; outlines reasons why development planning has not eradicated poverty. Provides an honest and objective analysis of government policies from the perspective of a JHEOA senior officer. [CN]
576. MOHD. TAUFIK Abdullah. 1974. The Orang Kuala Benut: General introduction to a West Malaysian aboriginal ethnic group, with special emphasis on their problems in the educational process. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
577. MOHD. ZAMRI b. Samat @ Limat. 1990. Aspek-aspek perubatan tradisional bomoh Melayu yang difokaskan pada ilmu perbomohan Orang Asli di Melaka [Aspects of traditional Malay bomoh medical systems, focusing on Orang Asli systems in Melaka]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
578. MONTANO. 1882. Quelques jours chez les indigènes de la province de Malacca [A few days among the the indigenes of Melaka]. Revue d’Ethnographie i: 41.
579. MOORE, Elizabeth H. 1984. Peter Williams-Hunt remembered. Purba 3: 98–101.
580. MORRIS, Kimball John. 1983. Craft production and social reproduction: A review of Marie-Andrée Couillard’s Tradition in tension: Carving in a Jah Hut community. Ilmu Masyarakat 1: 88–94 — contends that individualism of carving is not the dominant cause of breakdown in Jah Hut social relations. Rather, it is more likely to be the breakdown of the subsistence mode, as caused by state programmes of resettlement and sedentarization. See Couillard’s response in #206. [CN #679]
581. ——. 1985. The socio-economic impact of merchant capital on the mode of production of the Semaq Beri of peninsular Malaysia. M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Canada.
582. ——. 1996. “Forest products for market: Rattan and the Semaq Beri of Ulu Tembeling”. Pp. 93–112 in #31 — assesses and evaluates the place of rattan as a product of exchange by looking at the relations between subsistence and commodity production, and their contribution to social reproduction. Argues that development must take into account the subsistence sector and its unquantifiable values, for only when this is assured can commercial production not destroy the fabric of the society. With ethnographic overview; study conducted in Pahang (U. Tembeling, U. Tekel, Sg. Tiang, Sg. Kuching, and U. Sepia). [LTP]
583. ——. 1997. Forest utilization: Commodity and subsistence among the Semaq Beri of Peninsular Malaysia. Civilisations 44: 194–219.
584. MUMMERY, C. F. 1948. The teeth of the Che Wong. British Dental Journal 84: 69–72 — report taken during a census from Krau Game Reserve across to Raub; Chewong dwellings on Gunong Pallas were found up to an altitude of 4000 ft. Cites C. S. Ogilvie’s 1938 Chewong observations and also those Orang Asli that Ogilvie had seen on the Kedah-Siamese border. Dental caries increased with age; fever was common; two of 51 persons had yaws. [ASB]
585. MUSTAFA b. Bahari. 1993. Orang Asli dalam sistem perundangan Malaysia: Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga [Orang Asli in Malaysia’s legal system: Misfortune after misfortune]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
586. MUSTAFA K. Anuar. 1994. The Malaysian press and representation of minority groups. Sojourn 9(2): 200–212.
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