From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
II. Checklist of authors and periods
This bibliography’s style of organization does not give a good idea of chronology. For users wishing to look up references by time period, then, this appendix is offered as a checklist against the Topical Index and Name Index. Authors are grouped by the time period in which they live and work (which is not necessarily the time in which their studies were [are] published). The names of authors whose publication careers span more than one of the time sections will accordingly be duplicated. Organizations and institutions (e.g., government agencies, museums, etc.) are not listed here, though they are listed in the Name Index.
Alias b. Alang Segat
Arun, K. C.
Bernatzik, Emmy
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf
Biles, Howard F.
Blacking, John
Bottoms, J. C.
Braasem, W. A.
Chapman, F. Spencer
Chia, Harry

Cole, Fay-Cooper
Cole, R.
Collings, H. D.
Dawson, J. M. A.
Del Tufo, M.V.
Dobby, E. H. G.
Dodwell, G. C.
Fagg, William
Fell, H.
Forman, Harrison
Gouldsbury, Pamela
Green, R.
Harrison, J. L.
Hill, Anthony
Holttum, R. E.
Ishak b. Hj. Mohammed
Jurgens, Victor
Kähler, Hans
Laidlaw, F. F.
Lewis, M. Blanche
Lugg, J.
Mahmud b. Mat (Dato)
Morley, David C.
Mummery, C. F.
Nabitoepoeloe, B. W. F.
Needham, Rodney
Noone, H[erbert] D[eane]
Noone, R[ichard] O. D.
Ogilvie, C. S.
Parsons, Claudia
Pinnow, H.-J.

Polunin, Ivan
Raja Ajoub
Sneath, P.
Speldewinde, D.
Randall, A.
Ratos, Anthony
Sandosham, A. A.
