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Penan and rivers

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

by Lye Tuck-Po
12 September 2023

"To Penan. . .the landscape is more than simply a vast, complex network of rivers. Above all it is a reservoir for detailed ecological knowledge and a repository for the memory of past events" (Brosius 1986:175*)

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Here are some photos of mine, taken in 2010, of Penan rivers. The children are of Long Tangau, in an offshoot of the Plieran River, and the rest were shot along the Danum River. Both rivers are now submerged by the Murum Dam.


* Brosius, J. Peter. 1986. River, forest and mountain: the Penan Gang landscape. Sarawak Museum Journal 36:173–184.

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Sep 12, 2023

As usual, wonderful photos. And, re Pete B. I wonder how he is doing.

Sep 12, 2023
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Thanks! Haven't heard from Pete in a long time.

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