by Lye Tuck-Po
14 September 2023
Blacksmithing is a source of cash for the Penan. From these craftsmen come a variety of "parangs" (machetes). Some better than others. Not every man can make a high quality parang. It takes a specialist. The work is often communal and social.

Every man is focused on his work, facing a different direction. While their ears are primed to hear what's going on around them, their eyes are directed towards their own aims and objectives. Not much talk.

Great photos as usual. In my old fashioned view, this is superb ethnography, aka visual anthropology. I am inspired to follow suite with Agta arrow making, baskets, the various style of houses, and so on. I will visit Marcus next month and have him help on a blog/web site, the discuss with you in December. Keep them coming.