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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (30b): Schebesta

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.

545. SCHEBESTA, Paul. 1925. The Semangs of Patalung. Man [=JRAI] 25: 23–26 — on Thai groups.
546. ——. 1926. Kubu and Jakudn (Jakun) als Protomalayen [Kubus and Jakuns as Proto-Malays]. Mitteilungen der Antropologischen Gellschaft in Wein 56: 192–201.
547. ——. 1926. Religiose Anschauungen der Semang über die Orang Hidop (die Unsterblichen) [Religious views of the Semang on the Orang Hidop (the immortals)]. Archiv fur Relionswissenschaft 24: 209–223.
548. ——. 1926. Sakai in Malakka [Sakais in Malaya]. Archiv fur Rassenbilder 9: 81–90.
549. ——. 1926. The bow and arrow of the Semang. Man [=JRAI] 26: 88–89.
550. ——. 1926. The jungle tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Bull. SOAS 4: 269–278 — codified Orang Asli ethnolinguistic classification into the tripartite form which persists today, using racial, linguistic, and cultural attributes. [ATR #755]
551. ——. 1927. Religiose anschauungen der Semang uber die Orang Hidop (die unsterblichen) [Religious views of the Semang on the Orang Hidop (the immortals)], part 2. Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft 25: 5–35.
552. ——. 1927. The Negritos of the Malay Peninsula. Subdivisions and names. Man [=JRAI] 27: 89–94 — readable and useful attempt to sort through the confusion of group names in the literature. Written while still doing fieldwork, and includes information updates from his own research. [LTP]
553. ——. 1928. Grammatical sketch of the Jahai dialect as spoken by a Negrito tribe of Ulu Perak and Ulu Kelantan, Malay Peninsula (trans. and re-worked by C. O. Blagden). Bull. SOSLI 4: 803–826 — the first grammatical description of a Northern Aslian language; gives a brief overview of phonology and parts of speech. [GB; NBur #1678]
554. ——. 1928. Orang-utan: Bei den urwaldemenschen Malayas und Sumatras [Orang Utan: Among the primeval-forest peoples of Malaya and Sumatra]. Leipzig: Mit 125 abbildungen und 2 karten, Brockhaus — Schebesta’s first serious study of Orang Asli ethnology; deals mainly with Temiar, Semai, Jakun, Kubu and some others; not translated. [GB]


555. ——. 1929. Among the forest dwarfs of Malaya. Trans. A. Chambers. London: Hutchinsons — perceives the Semang as primitive survivors of the paleolithic evolutionary stage of cultural development. Popular account containing vivid descriptions of the setting and portraits of Schebesta’s companions (mostly Jahai, though other groups encountered are also described). Introductory sections dealing with his arrival in Semang country is right out of the classic genre of explorers’ tales and a fascinating read. The much-consulted map on endpapers traces Schebesta’s route and gives location for a number of groups [LTP; ATR #1680]. German original published 1927 as Bei den Urwaldzergen von Malaya; English version reprinted 1973 (London: OUP) with introd. Geoffrey Benjamin (see #111); xerographic copy produced 1974 by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. See also reviews by Ivor H. N. Evans (JMBRAS vol. 7: 470ff, 1929) and Rudolf Rahmann (Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society vol. 3: 286–288).


556. ——. 1931. Grammatical sketch of the Ple-Temer language. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 9: 641–652 — this appears to be a study of a language or dialect that has since become extinct, as it does not correspond to the Temiar or to the Lanoh spoken in that area today. It therefore provides evidence of a former great linguistic variability along the Perak valley, which is suspected on other grounds too. [GB]


557. ——. 1947. Menschen ohne Geschichte: Eine Forschungsreise zu den “Wild”-Völkern der Philippinen und Malayas 1938/39 [People without history: A research journey to the “wild” peoples of Malaya and the Philippines]. Mödling: Missionsdruckerei St. Gabriel — in the style of a “popular” travel volume, without concentrated ethnological materials; not translated. [GB]
558. ——. 1952–1957. Die Negrito Asiens. 2 vols. [Band 1 Geschichte, geographie, umwelt, demographie und anthropologie der Negrito. Band 2 Ethnographie der Negrito. 1. Wirtschaft und Soziologie. 2. Religion und Mythologie]. Wien-Mödling: Studia Instituti Anthropos vols. 6, 12, 13, St. Gabriel-Verlag — comparative study of Southeast Asian Negritos; crammed full of ethnographic information [LTP]. Partially translated as #839.
559. ——. 1954. The Negritos of Asia; Vol 2, ethnography of the Negritos; Half-vol. 1, economy and sociology [Die Negrito Asiens; II. Band, ethnographie der Negrito; I. Halbband, wirtschaft und soziologie]. Trans. Frieda Schütze. Vienna-Mödling: Studia Institut [see notes for #838]. Reprinted 1962 by the Human Relations Area Files.
560. ——. 1960. Tanah Malayu: Wanderungen und forschungen in den dschungeln Malayas [Tanah Melayu: Wanderings and researches in the jungles of Malaya]. Mödling bei Wien: St. Gabriel-Verlag — in the style of a popular travel volume, without concentrated ethnological materials; not translated. [GB]


561. SCHEBESTA, Paul, and V. LEBZELTER. 1928. Anthropological measurements on Semangs and Sakais in Malaya. Anthropologie (Prague) 6: 183–251 — mostly on anthropometry; includes fragmentary data on population numbers and dynamics. [ATR #1680]

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