From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 277–288
243. DOBBY, E. H. G. 1942. Settlement patterns in Malaya. Geographical Review 32: 211–232 — mostly on the larger population groups, with some information for Sakai, Negritos and Semelai. With miscellaneous maps and photographs. [RG]
244. DODGE, Nicholas N. 1981. The Malay-aborigine nexus under Malay rule. BTTLV 137: 1–16 — examines Malay-Orang Asli relations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries through a review of colonial writings. Argues that these writings’ focus on the negative aspects of the relationship (e.g., slavery), were also partly motivated by the colonial imperative. Without denying the misery of Orang Asli subjugation, also examines those social and spatial contexts that permitted Orang Asli to retain a degree of autonomy. A useful and insightful survey, though spoilt by absence of attention to more recent writings on Orang Asli. [LTP]
245. DOMHOFF, G. William. 1985. The mystique of dreams: A search for utopia through Senoi dream theory. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press — study of how “Senoi dream theory” became an element in the American “human potential movement”. Examines the career of Kilton Stewart, showing how he arrived at his peculiar understanding of Senoi beliefs and practices, and explores the reasons Stewart’s views became popular in the American counter-culture [KME in #1706 no. 5]. For reviews, see: RKD in Lucidity Letter vol. 4 no. 2 (1985), pp. 104–108, J. Meer in Psychology Today vol. 20 no. 3 (1986), pp. 78–79, and D. L. Wolitzky in Contemporary Psychology vol. 32 no. 5 (1987), p. 415.
246. DORAIRAJOO, Saroja. 1996. The Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: Aborigine yet not Bumiputera. M.A. thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 82 pp. — historical review of the Orang Asli’s indigenous status and how the “Orang Asli” category has been constructed and manipulated in colonial and post-Independence times. [LTP]
247. DOUGLAS, W. W. 1897. Report to Government relating to Sakei tribes in Selangor, Klang District. Reprinted in Sel. J. 5.
248. DUCKWORTH, W. Laurence H. 1900. Notes on the anthropological observations made by Mr. F. Laidlaw in the course of the Skeat Expedition to the Malay Peninsula. JRAI 30: 77 — reports on anthropometric measurements, a skeleton (“Pangan” from Kedah), and hair samples. [LTP]
249. ——. 1902. Some anthropological results of the Skeat Expedition to the Malay Peninsula. JRAI 32: 142–152 — anthropometric description in two parts: on the Pangan skeleton as compared to a Sakai one (for current location of the Pangan skeleton, see #1638), and on 11 living persons (possibly Batek?) measured by Laidlaw on the Lebir and Aring, Kelantan. Of these, six were slaves. [LTP]
250. ——. 1903. Note on a skull labelled “Sœmang-schädel [male]”, “Bukit Sapi”, Upper Perak, 1902; now in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Man [=JRAI] 3: 34–37 — anthropometric notes on a skull uncovered from a Semang grave eight miles from K. Kenering. [LTP]
