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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (18): Faezah to Fung


Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 347–367

243. FAEZAH bt. Abd. Wahab. 1999. Kajian etnobotani masyarakat Orang Asli Jah Hut di Kampung Pos Penderas, Pahang [Ethnobotanical study of Jah Het society]. B.Sc. Hons. thesis, Institut Sains Biologi, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
244. FARADAY, Ann, and John WREN-LEWIS. 1983. A report from the Senoi. Dreamworks 3(4): 278–280 — on Semai, Temiar, and Senoi Dream Therapy. Also published as “The selling of the Senoi” in Lucidity Letter vol. 3 no. 1 and Dream Net. Bull. vol. 3 no. 4.
245. FARIDAH bt. Abd. Raof, et al. 1993. Satu kajian ke atas komuniti masyarakat Orang Asli suku kaum Temiar di Kampung Sungai Cadak, Ulu Kinta [A study of community in Temiar society]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
246. FATIMAH Kari. 1996. “Rattan industry and the Orang Asli”. Pp. 113–127 in #31 — short but useful outline of the 1989 ban on rattan exports from the Peninsula and its effects on Orang Asli collecting economies. Argues for a balance between commerce and conservation; sustained yield; and greater participation of Orang Asli in downstream processing and other industrial activities. With appendix on the conservation status of rattan species. [LTP]

247. FAVRE, (Rev.) Paul [=Père Favre]. 1848. An account of the wild tribes inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra and a few neighbouring islands. JIA 2(1): 237–282 — in this classification, the “wild tribes” of the Peninsula were called “Orang Binua”, and they comprised just two main groups, Semang and Jakun. Favre’s position was that the “Binua” were the original inhabitants of the Peninsula. Based on fieldwork with Malacca Jakun (Temuan). A general ethnographic account covering many topics, including the Temuan’s former role in the election of Minangkabau leaders and current Malay perceptions of the people. [LTP]
248. ——. 1849. Journey in Johore. JIA 3: 50.
249. ——. 1849. Journey in the Menangkabau states of the Malay Peninsula. JIA 3: 153.
250. ——. 1849. Pawangs. JIA 3: 115 — including description of how the pawang were perceived (feared) by Malays. [Dodge #278]
251. ——. 1865. An account of the wild tribes inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra and a few neighbouring Islands (with A Journey in Johore and A Journey in the Menangkabaw States of the Malayan Peninsula). Paris: Imperial Printing Office. From the title, this is probably a reprint and compilation of previously published materials (translated from the French original).
252. FAZIDAH bt. Abd. Aziz. 1989. Peranan wanita Semai dalam komunitinya: Satu kajian di Kampong Kuala Bot, Sungai Bot, Tapah [Semai women’s behaviour in their communities: A case study in Kg. K. Bot]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology & Sociology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
253. FIX, Alan G. 1977. The demography of the Semai Senoi. Ann Arbor, MI: Paper no. 62, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology — detailed study of mortality and fertility patterns among the Semai of the upper Lipis River. Found considerable genetic differentiation between Semai local groups and explains this in terms of several socio-cultural, demographic, and ecological factors [Gomes #385; KME #1706 no. 5]. Revision of 1971 Ph.D. diss. “Semai Senoi population structure and genetic microdifferentiation” (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI). For review, see: KME in Oceania vol. 49 no. 4 (1979), pp. 314–315.
254. ——. 1999. Migration and colonization in human microevolution. Cambridge: CUP — migration and colonization are major forces affecting the frequency, spatial pattern and spread of genes in human populations. Reviews theories of migration developed by biologists and social scientists, surveys patterns of migration in a diverse sample of human populations. . .shows the relevance of studies of migration as a microevolutionary process to the understanding of longer term global patterns of human diversification. . .and the origins of human diversity in the Malayan Peninsula. Draws richly from the author’s Semai data [LTP; extract]. For review, see: M. M. Lahr’s “Wandering genes” in Science289, 22/9/2000, p. 2057.
255. ——. 2000. Genes, languages, and ethnic groups: Reconstructing Orang Asli prehistory. BIPPA 19: 11–16.
256. FLEURY, E. T. 1878. Sur les sauvages de la péninsule Malaise. Translated as “Wild tribes of the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago” in JSBRASno. 1, pp. 108–110 and no. 2, pp. 208–221 — noted by Borie (#139) to be among the more reliable accounts of the period. [LTP]
257. FOLLOWS, Roy, and Hugh POPHAM. 1990. The jungle beat: Fighting terrorists in Malaya 1952–1961. London: Cassell — recollection of events experienced by a young British officer during the Emergency. A substantial portion is devoted to his encounters with the Temiar in the Pos Brooke area, which included the notorious communist-influenced Pangoi. [CN]
258. FOO Bee Lee, et al. 1993. Laporan mengenai polisi-polisi pentadbiran di Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula Air Banun [Report on administrative policies in RPS Air Banun]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
259. FOO Eng Lee. 1972. The ethnobotany of the Orang Asli, Malaysia, with special reference to their foodcrops. Unpublished typescript, ed. Tan Koonlin. University of Malaya School of Biological Sciences, Botany Unit, Kuala Lumpur — surveys a small selection of plants and how they are used by Orang Asli, mainly Semelai. Outdated by the ethnobotanical research standards of today, but still useful for documentation purposes. [LTP]
260. FREEMAN, Derek. 1968. Thunder, blood and the nicknaming of God’s creatures. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 37: 353–399 — psychoanalytic (Jungian) analysis of the Semang and Senoi thunder complex, and impossibly convoluted. Argues for a universalist (pan-human) rather than socially specific or historically grounded explanation for the thunder complex. Mainly provoked by Needham’s symbolic treatment of the same (#668) [LTP]. Previously published 1965 as “Thunder, blood and nicknaming of god’s creatures” (Canberra: Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University). See Robarchek’s critique (#782).
261. FUNG Jee Vui [=FUNG, Jojo M.] 1994. An indigenous-serving missiology—models, methods, mission strategies: Orang Asli mission in the International Decade of Indigenous Peoples. Licentiate thesis in Sacred Theology, Faculty of the Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley, California.
262. ——. 1995. Ethnic assertion of “original people”: Comparative ethnographies of indigenous peoples movements in Southeast Asia. M.A. thesis, Social Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London — discusses the ethnic assertion of the Orang Asli in the context of the nascent Malaysian society and the global hegemonic practices of Euro-America. [CN]
263. ——. 1997. For a society of equals: A struggle in solidarity with indigenous peoples. D.Missiology [Doctorate in mission theology], Catholic Theological University, Chicago.

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