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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (19): Gall to Gullick

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 368–399

243. GALL, Patricia. 1977. “Temuan socio-economic change: An ecological model”. Pp. 102–112 in Cultural-ecological perspectives on Southeast Asia. Ed. W. Wood. Athens, OH: Ohio University Center for International Studies Southeast Asia Program — describes the environment of Kg. Putra in summary fashion. [ATR #1680]
244. GEIGER, P. 1901. Beitrag zur kenntnis der Ipoh-pfeil-gifte [Contribution to the knowledge of the Ipoh dart-poison]. Inaugural dissertation, Basel — study of the geographical distribution of the blowpipe. Following Pleyte #736, shows that the distribution is inseparably bound up with the use of Ipoh poison, the region covered being limited to the Malay archipelago. Includes chemical analyses of the poisons. [#Skagden vol. 1: 254 and map on p. 260]
245. GHAZALI b. Uda Umar. 1969. Pemenggalan bunyi-bunyi bahasa Semai—Bahasa Orang Asli di Suak Padi, Padang Changkat, Parit, Perak [Semai sound-making in Suak Padi]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
246. GHAZALI Basri. 1990. Christian mission and Islamic Da’wah in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Nurin. 72 pp. — this slim volume makes only patchy references to Orang Asli; e.g., mentions Malay opposition to Borie’s attempts in Malacca to convert the Mantra and Jakun (see #139). [CN]
247. ——. 1999. Gerakan Kristian [Christian movement]. Bangi, Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia [in Malay, with some material in English] — on the history of Christianity in Malaysia, with attention to the role of missionaries, Christians’ responses to Islamization policies, and the psychology and politics of missionizing. Includes chapter on Christianity among Orang Asli in Perak [notes from library catalogue]. Rev. ed. of Kristianisasi sebagai sebuah gerakan [Christianization as a movement].
248. GIANNO, Rosemary. 1986. Resin classification among the Semelai of Tasek Bera, Malaysia. Economic Botany 40(2): 186–200.
249. ——. 1986. The exploitation of resinous products in a lowland Malayan forest. Wallaceana 43: 3–6 — description and analysis of the T. Bera Semelai orientation toward forest product collection and trade, particularly of resinous products. [RG]

250. ——. 1990. Semelai culture and resin technology. New Haven, CT: The Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
— an ethnoarchaeological/ethnobotanical study of the cultural knowledge, economic use and trade of resinous products by Semelai of T. Bera. A very detailed ethnographic study; in addition to the focus on resins, includes a solid body of material on social organization, language, material culture, inter-group relations [GB #1677]. Revision of 1985 Ph.D. thesis (Yale University, New Haven, CT). For review, see: RKD in Journal of Ethnobiology vol. 10 (1991).

251. ——. 1997. “Malay, Semelai, Temoq: Semelai concepts of ethnicity in south-central Malaya”. Pp. 51–83 in Indigenous peoples and the state: Politics, land, and ethnicity in the Malayan Peninsula and Borneo. Ed. Robert L. Winzeler. New Haven, CT: Yale Southeast Asia Studies no. 46, Yale University Press — examines Semelai stories and other cultural knowledge relating to their perception of identity vis-à-vis neighbouring groups (Temoq and Malay). [RG]
252. GIANNO, Rosemary, and K. M. KOCHUMMEN. 1981. Notes on some minor forest products. Mal. For. 44: 566–568 — short report on the collection and trade of oleo-resins from Dipterocarpus kerrii King by the T. Bera Semelai. [RG]
253. GIANNO, Rosemary, D. von ENDT, W. D. ERHARDT, K. M. KOCHUMMEN, and W. HOPWOOD. 1987. “The identification of Southeast Asian resins for archaeological and ethnological application”. In Recent advances in the conservation and analysis of artifacts. Ed. James Black. London: Summer Schools Press, Institute of Archaeology, University of London — resin type samples of particular resin-producing species are from the Tasek Bera watershed. [RG]
254. GIMLETTE, John D., and H. W. THOMPSON. 1915. A dictionary of Malayan medicine — of reference value in identifying Orang Asli useful plants [RKD]. Reprinted 1971 (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford in Asia series, OUP).
255. GIMLETTE, John D., and I. H. BURKILL, eds. 1930. The medical book of Malayan medicine [=The Gardens’ Bulletin, Straits Settlements 6(3): 333–499]. [see note for #379]
256. GOMES, Alberto G[erard]. 1977. A social demography of Jahai Negritos at Rual Post, Kelantan. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — the first systematic investigation of population structure and dynamics among a defined Semang population; discusses the effects of social factors on demography. [Gomes #1679; ATR #1680]
257. ——. 1979. The Paya Lebar Temuan: A social demographic study. Kuala Lumpur: Working Paper no. 3, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya.
258. ——. 1982. Ecological adaptation and population change: Semang foragers and Temuan horticultarists in West Malaysia. Research Report no. 12. East-West Environment and Policy Institute, Honolulu, HI — compares population structure between sedentary (Temuan of Paya Lebar) and mobile (Jahai of Sg. Rual) populations. Shows that sedentarization among the Jahai has led to a demographic change in the direction of the Temuan; i.e., that mobility is consistent with low population density. [LTP]
259. ——. 1983. “Demography and environmental adaptation: A comparative study of two aboriginal populations in West Malaysia”. Pp. 391–477 in Population change in Southeast Asia. Ed. Wildredo F. Arce and Gabriel F. Alvarez. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies — compares Jahai and Temuan; studies the demographic and social-organizational adaptations that occur when Semang groups settle in one place [GB #1677]. Previously published 1981 as SEAPRAP Report 35 (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore).
260. ——. 1986. Looking-for-money: Simple commodity production in the economy of the Tapah Semai of Malaysia. Ph.D. diss., Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra — documents to minute detail the extent of market linkages in one village over the course of a fieldwork year; challenges the prevailing view that Semai are primarily subsistence farmers. Based on an in-depth village study in Batang Padang and regional socio-economic survey of all Semai villages in the Tapah region. [LTP]
261. ——. 1988. “The Semai: The making of an ethnic group in Malaysia”. Pp. 99–118 in Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia. Ed. A. Terry Rambo, et al. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies — explores conditions behind the development of ethnic consciousness among the Semai. Argues that identity has been constructed by outside forces but with growing political pressures, Semai begin to shape their own political identity as a single group. [LTP]
262. ——. 1990. “Confrontation and continuity: Simple commodity production among the Orang Asli”. Pp. 12–36 in #574 — contrary to general perception of Semai as subsistence-oriented shifting cultivators, Gomes in this and other studies produces convincing evidence of intense market linkages and commercial activities. [LTP]
263. ——. 1990. “Demographic implications of villagisation among the Semang of Malaysia”. Pp. 126–138 in Hunter-gatherer demography: Past and present. Ed. B. Meehan and N. White. Sydney: Oceania Publications — on sedentarization among Jahai of Sg. Rual.
264. ——. 1991. “Commodification and social relations among the Semai of Malaysia”. Pp. 163–198 in Cash, commoditisation and changing foragers. Ed. Nicolas Petersen and Toshio Matsuyama. Osaka, Japan: Senri Ethnological Studies, National Museum of Ethnology — documents the impact of increased market involvement (economic commodification) on intracommunity social relations. The most detailed account of Semai sharing and its decline. [LTP; RKD #265]
265. ——. 1994. “Modernity and Semai ethnogenesis”. Pp. 176–191 in Modernity and identity: Asian Illustrations. Ed. Alberto G. Gomes. Boondora, Victoria, Australia: Comparative Asian studies series, LaTrobe University Press — revision of #386.
266. ——. 1999. Modernity and indigenous minorities in Malaysia and Indonesia. RIMA 33(1): 1–15.
267. GOPINATH, Aruna. 1991. Pahang 1880–1933: A political history. Kuala Lumpur: Monograph no. 18, MBRAS — includes observations on trading and marriage relations between Malays and Orang Asli [CN #684]. Revision of 1977 M.A. thesis (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur). Malay ed. published 1993 as Sejarah Politik Pahang: 1880–1935 (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka).
268. GOULDSBURY, Pamela. 1960. Jungle nurse. London: Jarrolds — provides much information on the proto-history of the JHEOA and the Gombak hospital during the 1950s, in which events she was intimately involved. Also includes biographical materials on P. D. R. Williams-Hunt. [GB #1677; RKD et al. #276]
269. GRAHAM, W. A. 1908. Kelantan: A State of the Malay Peninsula, a handbook of information. Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons — Graham was the first British Resident Commissioner and Adviser. This was one of the early texts publicizing the state to an English-reading audience; cited in #278 for population estimate of Orang Asli in Kelantan. [LTP]
270. GRUBAUER, Alb. 1905. Negritos: ein Besuch bei den ureinwohnern inner Malakkas [Negritos: A search among the aborigines of the interior of Malaya]. Dr. A. Peterman’s Geographische Mitteilungen 12: 249–254, 271–277 — mainly an account of a visit to Sakai of U. Korbu. [#Skagden]
271. GUERREIRO, Antonio, Mrs. André JAUNAY, and Christine LORRE. in prep. (2001). A new, critical ed. of Jacques de Morgan’s diary Exploration dans la presqu’île malaise: Royaumes de Pérak et de Patani (#223) and the articles published originally in his Negritos de la presqu’île malaise (#220–221). To be published by CNRS Press, Paris, France — de Morgan was an early explorer of Perak. This volume will include a number of his unpublished drawings and the maps of the Perak areas that he surveyed. A survey and analysis of the ethnographic collections of de Morgan presently housed at the Musée des Antiquités Nationales in St. Germain and the Musée de l’Homme (Department of Asia) will be co-published with the book as a CD-Rom. A few articles will introduce and contextualize de Morgan’s exploration, both in terms of anthropology and historical-museography, and broadly the study of the material culture of the Orang Asli, by comparison with the different Orang Asli ethnographic collections of the Musée de l’Homme [Antonio Guerreiro]. On the Musée de l’Homme’s material and photograph collections, see #3 and 1650.
272. GULLICK, J. M. 1988. W.W. Skeat and Malayan ethnography: An appreciation. JMBRAS 61: 117–152 — a major, and extensively annotated, appraisal of Skeat’s contribution to scholarship, with a detailed account of his life and career and activities while serving in the colonial administration. Draws from published and unpublished sources. A useful bibliographic and biographical source. [LTP]
273. ——. 1989. Malay society in the late nineteenth century: The beginnings of change. Singapore: OUP — includes discussion of Malay-Orang Asli relations in Pahang and other places. [CN #684]
274. GULLICK, J. M., ed. 1993. They came to Malaya: A traveller’s anthology. Singapore: Oxford in Asia Paperbacks, OUP — choice selections from a wide variety of fictional, autobiographical, and travel accounts of various aspects of the Peninsula and its peoples. With only one extract on Orang Asli (see #1602), but useful notes on the careers of some authors listed in this bibliography. [LTP]

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