References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (2): Sejarah Melayu to Abdullah
Updated: Oct 1, 2023
From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
General bibliography
25. Sejarah Melayu [Malay Annals]. Court annals.
Generally regarded as the foremost example of classical Malay prose style. Stated aim to educate future generations about the genealogy of the Malay sultanates. Contains nuggets of information on Orang Asli and Malay perceptions of them [Watson Andaya and Andaya #952]. Has been handed down in a number of versions, the earliest dated from the 17th century, although sections of it likely to have been written two hundred years earlier. Published in several versions, including: 1896 Jawi text version, ed. W. G. Shellabear (Singapore: The American Mission); 1952 English translation published as “Sejarah Melayu or Malay Annals”, ed. C. C. Brown (JMBRAS vol. 25 no. 2 and no. 3); 1983 Malay romanised text version of the 1896 Jawi version, ed. W. G. Shellabear (Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Fajar Bakti).
26. Hikayat Hang Tuah.
Epic of incidents in the life of the Malay hero, Hang Tuah, which probably existed in oral form long before written down during the 17th century. First definite reference to a text occurs in 1736. Gives some indications of early associations between the Melayu settlers in Melaka and Orang Asli. Mentions a mythical queen of Melaka who flees into the forest to escape the Portuguese and then becomes a member of the Batek group. In another episode, Hang Tuah retreats upriver to Perak where he is accepted as ruler by another Orang Asli group, the orang biduanda (now Temuan) [Watson Andaya and Andaya #952]. Romanized ed. published 1964 as Hikayat Hang Tuah, ed. Kassim Ahmad (Kuala Lumpur).
27. 1878. The Semangs. JSBRAS 2: 231.
28. 1882. Pantang kapur of the Madek Jakun. JSBRAS 9: 167.
29. 1966. The Senoi Pra’aq: A brief history and description. Unpublished MS. Senoi Pra’aq Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur.
30. 1979. The ethnography of the Orang Asli [=Special issue of #FMJ (n.s.), vol. 24]. Kuala Lumpur: Museums Department
— collection of papers presented originally at the 1977 Seminar of the Malaysian Society for Asian Studies, which received much public attention. Forms a valuable historical document [LTP; GB #1677]. List of papers: Azizah #1676, Baharon #90, Carey #175, Couillard #203, Dahlan #213, Diffloth #1383, Gomes #1679, Hood #444, Khoo #1141, University Malaya Librarian #1701, Mohd. Kassim #634, Nik Safiah and Ton #1416, Rambo #1680, Voon et al. #947 and Walker #1681. [#FMJ24]
31. 1996. Orang Asli: Social life and development [=Special issue of Akademika, vol. 48]
— the bulk of the volume is focused on rattan: its harvest and uses, supply and sustainability, and marketing issues and procedures [LTP]. Orang Asli papers: Fatimah #350, Hooker #458, Kiew and Hood #519, Morris #648, Tan #905, and van der Sluys #923.
32. ABBOT, W[illiam] L[ewis]. 1904. Human images among the Orang Mantong. JSBRAS 41: 128–129
— on Orang Laut.
33. ——. 1907. Bark canoes among the Jakuns and Dyaks. JSBRAS 49: 109–110.
34. ABD. HALIM b. Hj. Jawi. 1980. Pentadbiran rakyat minoriti dan masalah-masalah: Satu kajian terhadap masyarakat Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia [Problems in the administration of minority citizens: A study of Orang Asli societies]. Project Paper. Diploma in Public Administration, Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
35. ABD. LATIB Ariffin. 1985. Penyelidikan lukisan lama di Gua Luas, Batu Luas (Kuala Kenyam, Ulu Tembeling, Malaysia) [Research on old drawings in Gua Luas]. Malayan Naturalist 38(3): 38–44
— detailed records (with sketches) of the Orang Asli cave drawings in Gua Luas. They were done about 1920, and are drawn only in charcoal. They are deteriorating, and need to be preserved. [RKL #1691]
36. ABD. RASHID Abd. Rahman, et al. (Kumpulan A2). 1975. Lapuran amali pengembangan pertanian Universiti Pertanian Malaysia di kawasan Orang Asli Kampong Kuala Pangsoon, Ulu Langat, Selangor [General report on the encroachment of UPM’s agricultural activities on the Orang Asli area in Kg. K. Pangsoon]. Jabatan Pendidikan Pengembangan dan Pertanian, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang.
37. ABD. RASHID Idris. 1977. The Jahai Negritos at Sungai Rual resettlement camp, Kelantan. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
38. ABD. RASID b. Parlan. 1995. Komuniti Temuan dan Rancangan Penempatan Semula di Bukit Cheding, Kuala Langat: Satu kajian kes [The Temuan community and the RPS in Bkt. Cheeding: A case study]. Latihan Ilmiah Ijazah Sarjanamuda dengan Kepujian, B.A., Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
39. ABDULLAH b. Abd. Kadir. 1955. The Hikayat Abdullah, an annotated translation by A. H. Hill. JMBRAS 28 no. 3
— gives a personal but perceptive view of Singapore and Melaka society at the beginning of the 19th century. Recognized since #Skagden as a source of information on Orang Asli in Melaka, Pahang, and other places. Useful for insights into how a Malay observer (popularly known as Munshi Abdullah) recorded his perceptions of indigenes[LTP; CN]. Original Malay ed. 1849; reprinted 1960 as Hikayat Abdullah (Singapore: Siri Kesusasteraan Melayu no. 4, Malaya Publishing House). English version reprinted 1970 (London: OUP) and then in 1985 as The Hikayat Abdullah: The autobiography of Abdullah bin Kadir (1797–1854), an annotated translation by A. H. Hill (Singapore: OUP). Pp. 72–74 of the 1955 version (not the Orang Asli portions) extracted in #399, pp. 203–206.
40. ABDULLAH, C. D. 1998. Perang anti-British dan perdamaian [The anti-British war and peace]. Hong Kong: Nan Dao
— Abdullah was a leader of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) during the Emergency. Reports, among other details, that the Orang Asli (especially in the north) favoured the communist insurgents because the British had inflicted destruction on some communities. [CN #684]