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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (20): Hale to Hughes

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 400–480

400. HALE, Abraham. 1886. On the Sakais. JAI [=JRAI] 15: 285–301 — an interesting documentation of Orang Asli in the U. Kinta (Perak) area. Among insights uncovered: the territories were in tin-producing areas (the Orang Asli worked the mines and were accustomed to selling tin to the Malays), their villages were close to Malays and there was extensive contact. With information on hunting and fishing technologies, an interesting wordlist taken from a song as it was being performed, and description of a “house-warming” fruit-singing ceremony [LTP]. According to a note in the paper, Hale also supplied an unpublished 200-word vocabulary (later incorporated into Blagden’s comparative vocabulary), which was deposited at the Royal Anthropological Institute.
401. HALIMAH Abdullah. 1978. Psychological and biological condition of Orang Asli and Malays to their environment. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
402. HAMY, E. T. 1874. Sur les races sauvages de la Péninsule Malaise [On the wild races of the Malay Peninsula]. Bulletins de la Société d’Anthropologie, Paris Series 2, vol. 9: 716–723.
403. HARPER, T. N. 1997. The politics of forest in colonial Malaya. Modern Asian Studies 31(1): 1–29 — suggests that the advent of colonial rule began a process involving both economic and ideological modes of control over Orang Asli. [CN #684]

404. ——. 1998. “The Orang Asli and the politics of the forest in colonial Malaya”. Pp. 936–966 in Nature and the orient: The environmental history of South and Southeast Asia. Ed. Richard H. Grove, et al. Delhi: OUP — review article on the implications of colonial forestry practices for Orang Asli rights to land and resources. Suggests that Orang Asli environmental relations changed not because of environmental changes but because of new frontier conditions created by the growth of the colonial political-economy, which led to a trajectory of social change that has persisted. [LTP]
405. ——. 1999. The end of empire and the making of Malaya. Cambridge: CUP — one of the most significant studies of nation-formation in recent years. Includes a small section on the Emergency and its implications for Orang Asli. Cautions against easy generalizations of Orang Asli as either violent or non-violent people, with reminder of how little we still know of the violence inflicted on the people. [LTP]
406. HARRISON, Horace Leonard Hubert. 1969. The sarong and the kris. Lymington: Nautical Publishing in association with G. G. Harrap — includes a number of assumptions about Orang Asli character and aptitudes; e.g., on the shyness of the “semi-wild Sakais” [CN]. Reprinted 1986 (Kuala Lumpur: Vinpress).
407. HARRISON, J. L., LIM Boo Liat, and P. D. R. WILLIAMS-HUNT. 1955. Aboriginal names of mammals. Malayan History Journal 2: 53–58— on Semai, Lanoh, Jakun. Suggests that they have distinctive names for many economically important species. [ATR #752]
408. HASAN Mat Nor. 1989. Pengumpulan semula Orang Asli di Betau: Satu penelitian ringkas [Orang Asli resettlement at Betau: A brief survey]. Akademika 35, July: 97–112 — examines a range of social-political changes after 286 Semai families were resettled in an area much smaller than their home villages. With concluding thoughts on how the government ought to improve development planning. [LTP]
409. ——. 1991. Orang Asli dan dasar tanah: Tinjauan awal di Tapah, Perak [Orang Asli and land: Early observations in Tapah]. Akademika 38, January: 105–120 — argues that the Aboriginal Peoples Act has had negative consequences on Orang Asli economic development. Case study is of Semai in Tapah who had long abandoned agriculture (due, among other reasons, to loss of soil fertility) and were heavily engaged in commercial extraction. Analyzes the precarious status of land protection under the Aboriginal Peoples Act. [LTP]
410. ——. 1992. “The Semai and the regroupment scheme of Betau, Pahang”. Pp. 112–128 in Issues in rural development in Malaysia. Ed. Victor T. King and Nazaruddin Mohd. Jali. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka — contends that economic development does not necessarily result in complete social integration. Adds that in designing social integration programmes, efforts to create attitudes that accept others as equals should be given attention. [CN #684]
411. ——. 1993. “Orang Asli I know”. Pp. 36–40 in #455. [see notes for #455]
412. ——. 1994. Christianity and the peripheral community: A Malaysian case. The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 12: 125–128.
413. ——. 1996. Masyarakat Orang Asli dan agama Kristian: Satu kajian terhadap sejarah perkembangan agama Kristian dan kesannya kepada kehidupan masyarakat Semai di Perak [Orang Asli society and Christianity: Study into the history of Christian missionizing and its effect on the lives of Semai in Perak]. Final Report, Project 22/93, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
414. ——. 1996. Tanah dan masyarakat Orang Asli: Kajian kes di empat buah kampung di daerah Batang Padang [Orang Asli land and society: Case studies in four villages in Batang Padang district]. Bangi, Selangor: Monograf Faculti Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Kemanusiaan no. 16, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia — largely a descriptive survey of Semai and resettlement. [RKD]
415. ——. 1998. “Masyarakat Orang Asli dan Akta 134 (Akta Orang Asli)” [Orang Asli society and Act 134]. Pp. 88–102 in #416.
416. HASAN Mat Nor, ed. 1998. Warga pribumi menghadapi cabaran pembangunan [Indigenous peoples confronting the challenges of development]. Ed. Hasan Mat Nor. Bangi, Selangor: Occasional Paper no. 8, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia — papers from a one-day colloquium of the same title; with a distribution of focus between Orang Asli and Natives of Sabah [LTP]. Orang Asli papers: Hasan #415, Hassan #418, Lim #569, Williams-Hunt #979, Zawawi #1014.
417. HASSAN Hussain. 1976. Organisasi ekonomi orang-orang Temiar di Pos Poi, Lasah, Sg. Siput (Utara), Perak [Economic organization of the Temiar]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
418. HASSAN Ishak. 1998. “Orang Asli dan cabaran masa kini: Usaha dan tindakan yang direncanakan oleh JHEOA” [Orang Asli and contemporary challenges: The actions and efforts of JHEOA]. Pp. 103–117 in #416.
419. HEAH, H. H. 1986. Orang Asli puzzles. Malayan Naturalist 40(2): 22–23 — two Jakun puzzles, one of rattan, one of bamboo, from Kg. Peta (Endau-Rompin). With sketches and directions on how to make the puzzles. [RKL #1691]
420. HEINEMANN, R. 1977. Musik der Senoi auf Malakka [Music of the Senoi in Malaya]. Musica 31(5): 467 [in German]
421. HERVEY, D. F. A. 1879. Trip to Gunong Blumut. JSBRAS 3: 85–115 — includes material on economy (forest extraction for Malays), the mythology, and other matters concerning Mentra (Temuan). [#Skagden; Tachimoto #899]
422. ——. 1882. The Endau and its tributaries. JSBRAS 8: 93–124 — traced Logan’s route up the Endau, presents material on the Madek Jakun who were busy collecting forest products for the Malay trade. Also contains information on Malay slavery of Orang Asli. [Tachimoto #899; KME #303]
423. ——. 1882. The Mentra traditions. JSBRAS 10: 189–194 — cited in #Skagden for myth of tiger’s origin. [LTP]
424. ——. 1888. The traditions of the Mentra, or aborigines of Malacca and the adjoining states. Journal of the Folklore Society 6: 64–74.
425. ——. 1904. The legends of Bukit Dato’ Batu Gedong, and of Tanjung Tuan (Cape Rachado) in Malacca. Man [=JRAI] 14.
426. HICKSON, Andy. 1996. Punan and violence. M.A. thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London — on the concepts and consequences of sharing and not-sharing. The most detailed discussion of punan and related concepts among Orang Asli and other Southeast Asians. [RKD #265]
427. HILL, Andrew. 1974. “Summary of research on Jakun religion and social structure” and “Notes on traditional healing and modern medicine among the Orang Hulu (Jakun) of Johore”. Field reports, Department of Anthropology, Sydney University, Australia — studies conducted in Johore Utara, Bekok, Segamat. Current status of these reports unknown.
428. HILL, Anthony. 1948. Diversion in Malaya: An incidental account of five years’ residence in the Federated Malay States, 1937–1942. London: Collins — largely a descriptive account of travels and expatriate experiences, written by a colonial educator who visited Temiar in Perak’s Sg. Korbu (Jalong) and Sg. Plus (Kajang and K. Legap). [LTP; ASB]
429. HILL, R. D. 1977. Rice in Malaya: A study in historical geography. Kuala Lumpur: OUP — the most detailed historical study of rice in the Peninsula, with some information on Orang Asli agriculture in the early chapters. [GB]
430. HIRSCHMANN, Charles. 1987. The meaning and measurement of ethnicity in Malaysia: An analysis of census classifications. Journal of Asian Studies 46(3): 555–582 — with analysis of how Orang Asli were classified, as reported in Dorairajoo #280.
431. HO Hui Ling, et al. 1993. Kaji selidik di Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Sampo Daerah Jempol, Negeri Sembilan [Research at Sg. Sampo]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
432. HO Swee Sian. 1994. Sinkretisme di kalangan masyarakat Temuan di Kampung Lubuk Bandung, Melaka [Syncretism in Temuan society]. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
433. HOE Ban Seng. 1964. Aboriginal communities at Tasek Bera, southwest Pahang: A study on the structure of Semelai society. Report to the Commissioner on Aborigines (typescript), Kuala Lumpur — includes information on household composition, kinship, marriage and divorce, property rights, inheritance, adoption, customs and beliefs, language and culture, social change, as well as suggestions for governmental policies toward the Semelai [RG]. Originally submitted 1964 as a Research Thesis (Social Work Department, National University of Singapore). Reprinted 2001 as Semelai communities at Tasek Bera: A study of the structure of an Orang Asli society, ed. A. S. Baer and R. Gianno (Subang Jaya, Selangor: COAC), with vocabulary list rendered in phonetic spelling by RG.
434. HOLADAY, Duncan. 1991. Self-presentation to majority others—toward media anthropology. CVA Review: Revus de la Commision d’anthropologie visuelle Spring: 4–6 — discusses the film Metos Jah Hut (#1621). [ASB]
435. HOLADAY, Duncan, CHIN Woon Ping, and TEOH Boon Seong. 1985. Tales of a shaman: Jah Hut myths as told by Batin Long bin Hok. Singapore: Times Books International — the major publication of texts so far in any Aslian language. Not interlinear, but with careful phonemic transcription, a lexicon, and facing-page translation. Illustrated by Batin Long with a Jah Hut-English glossary [GB]. Reprinted 2001 as Batin Long bin Hok’s Bés Hyang Dnéy and other Jah Hut stories (Subang Jaya, Selangor: COAC).
436. HOLMAN, Dennis. 1958. Noone of the Ulu, with foreword by Sir Gerald Templer. London: Heinemann — reconstructs, in a novelistic way, the Noone brothers’ careers with Temiar and the JHEOA; draws as well from the letters home of H. D. (“Pat”) and, later, the author’s travels with Richard to uncover the story behind Pat’s death. As Pat had made some of the first colonial contacts with peoples in the highlands between Perak, Pahang, and Kelantan (Semai and Temiar), these sketches provide good, if patchy, glimpses of life just before things changed completely[LTP]. Reprinted 1984 (Oxford: OUP).
437. HOLTTUM, R. E. 1953. A Malayan blowpipe bamboo. Kew Bulletin 4: 493–496 — of reference value for identifying the bamboos used by Orang Asli for making blowpipes. [LTP]
438. HONG Ching Loong, Paul. 1995. Rimba dan manusia: Suatu kajian terhadap masyarakat Jah Het [Forest and people: A study of Jah Het society]. Ijazah Sarjanamuda Sastera, Jabatan Antropologi dan Sosiologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
439. HONG, Desmond. 1995. Identiti dan integrasi masyarakat Orang Kuala ke dalam masyarakat aliran perdana: Satu kajian kes di Kampung Pontian Besar, Johor [Identity and the integration of Orang Kuala society into mainstream society: A case study in Kg. Pontian Besar, Johor]. Latihan Ilmiah Ijazah Sarjanamuda Sastera dengan Kepujian, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
440. HOOD [b. Mohd.] Salleh [=H. M. S. Hood; M. S. Hood]. 1974. An ethnographical investigation of the Semelai of Malaysia. B.Litt., thesis, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University, Oxford — study conducted in Kg. Sumpoh and Ayer Hitam in Negri Sembilan and T. Bera, Bkt. Rok, and Maran in Pahang; on religion and kinship. [LTP]
441. ——. 1975. The Semelai sura and oral history: Myth and ideology in an Orang Asli worldview. Akademika July: 1–16.
442. ——. 1976. Ethno-historical perspectives and social change among the Orang Asli: A brief overview. Jernal Antropologi dan Sosiologi 4: 1–11 — looks at continuities between Orang Asli and Malay communities in terms of their respective world views and how these similarities in outlook become more marked in conditions of social change. [Hood #446]
443. ——. 1978. Semelai rituals of curing. D.Phil. thesis, Oxford University, Oxford.
444. ——. 1979. “The cultural context of Semelai trance”. Pp. 105–121 in #30 — discusses content and nature of the trance, attending to healing rites and those features surrounding the trance that renders it a meaningful social activity. Includes discussion of the role of healers/medicine men in society, ideas of the soul, ritual dialogue, the trance journey, and concluding interpretations of what the trance means. [LTP]
445. ——. 1984. Orang Asli perceptions of the Malay world: A historical perspective. Ilmu Masyarakat 6: 68–76 — on Orang Asli view of Malays as their primary outside reference group. [CN #679]
446. ——. 1986. “Morality and restraint among the Semelai of Malaysia”. Pp. 65–82 in The nascent Malaysian society: Developments, trends and problems. Ed. H. M. Dahlan. Bangi, Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia — responding to the general tendency to present an “organic”, isolationist view of Orang Asli societies, discusses those aspects of Semelai history and modes of inter-ethnic relatedness that demonstrate continuities with outside (Minangkabau Malay) society. The position here is that outside society derived its history and identity from aboriginal origins [LTP]. Original ed. 1976.
447. ——. 1989. Bases of authority among the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia. Akademika 35, July: 75–86 — outlines modes of authority and leadership, by comparing Baharon’s work on Temuan with Benjamin’s on Temiar. Aims to trace how these models have evolved into their present form. Broader objective to contribute Orang Asli materials to the understanding of Malaysian models of leadership. [LTP]
448. ——. 1990. “Orang Asli of Malaysia: An overview of recent development policy and its impact”. Pp. 141–149 in #574 — an eloquent critique of external treatment and perceptions of Orang Asli. [LTP]
449. ——. 1991. “Dakwah Islam dan pembangunan masyarakat Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia” [Islamization and the development of Orang Asli society in Peninsular Malaysia]. In Islam: Cabaran dan isu semasa. Ed. Abd. Rahman Ismail and Mohd. Nasir Omar. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
450. ——. 1993. Man, forest and spirits: Images and survival among the forest-dwellers of Malaysia. TAK 30: 444–456 — examines case studies that demonstrate the “cognitive value” of the forest to forest peoples (especially Orang Asli). Argues that the forest’s importance goes beyond economics or subsistence purposes. It is a source of knowledge, of self, other, and community. With an overview of various studies of Orang Asli religion. [LTP]
451. ——. 1995. “Epilogue”. Pp. 128–132 in #769 — some concluding reflections on scholarly engagement in Orang Asli struggles, and how the commodification of Orang Asli environments reflects broader processes going on in the world today. [LTP]
452. ——. 1995. Dunia pribumi dan alam sekitar: Langkah ke hadapan [The aboriginal world and the environment: Advancing forward]. Inaugural Lecture, 30/9/1995. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
453. ——. 1996. “The plight of the Orang Asli: Constructing a equitable interpretation of rights”. Pp. 59–62 in State of the environment in Malaysia. Penang, Malaysia: Consumers’ Association of Penang — an all-too-brief critique of failure to consider important environmental, historical, ideological, and political realities in the “development” of Orang Asli. [LTP]
454. HOOD Salleh, and HASAN Mat Nor. 1984. Roads are for development? Some aspects of Jah Het social change. Development Forum 14: 19–27 — critiques the building of access roads to remote Orang Asli communities; focuses on socio-economic impacts and deterioration of community autonomy. [LTP]
455. HOOD Salleh, HASAN Mat Nor, and KAMARUDDIN M. Said, eds. 1993. Orang Asli: An appreciation. Kuala Lumpur: International Convention Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office — the general thrust of these essays, published in conjunction with a 1993 international conference on indigenous peoples, is to pay tribute to and express personal gratitude towards Orang Asli and consider the many ways that outsiders can learn from the people. Some discuss Orang Asli’s position in the state and how their marginalization can be overcome. One or two are simplified versions of ideas presented more analytically elsewhere with almost no personal content [LTP]. List of papers: Benjamin #120, Dentan #257, Endicott and Endicott #312, Hasan #411, Itam #485, Nagata #656, Nicholas #678, Ramle #759, Ratos #764, Roseman #802, van der Sluys #922, Wazir #960.
456. HOOKER, M. B. 1967. Semai house construction in Ulu Slim, Perak. FMJ (n.s.) 12: 27–34 — brief description with details of parts and their uses, and includes diagrams and photographs. [LTP]
457. ——. 1976. “Orang Asli”. In The personal laws of Malaysia: An introduction. Kuala Lumpur: OUP — introduces the Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954 and its implications for the Orang Asli vis-à-vis the National Legal System, especially in matters pertaining to the definition of Orang Asli, land, and personal obligations. [CN]
458. ——. 1991. The Orang Asli and the laws of Malaysia with special reference to land. Ilmu Masyarakat 18: 51–79 — discusses how various laws and policies offer mutually contradictory provisions for Orang Asli, which need to be sorted out before protection of indigenous rights can be effective [LTP]. Reprinted 1996 in #31, pp. 21–50.
459. HORNADAY, William T[emple]. 1885. Two years in the jungle: The experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons — the chapter on “Hunting in the interior of Selangore” (Chapter 3 in the Oxford in Asia Paperbacks reprint) contains an account of hunting for elephants in the Batu Caves area, and encounter with a Jacoon (i.e., Temuan) family. The Temuan, who were on a forest expedition to hunt for large bats, were camping in a temporary tree-top shelter (illustrated), which Hornaday mistook for a family home [LTP]. Original version went through many eds. Parts 3 and 4 on the Peninsula and Borneo reprinted 1993 in the Oxford in Asia Paperbacks series as The experiences of a hunter and naturalist in the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, introd. J. M. Gullick (Kuala Lumpur: OUP). Selections from the original version (not the “Jacoon” portions) extracted in #399.
460. HORSFIELD, Thomas. 1848. Report on the island of Banka. JIA 2: 315–336 — contains an account of the “Rayad” or “Orang Laut” [#Skagden]
461. HOWELL, Signe. 1977. Some issues in the study of Malay aboriginal ethnography. M.Litt. thesis, Oxford University, Oxford — literature survey written before going to the field. Clarified and reduced to comprehensible order the apparently incomparable, and often conflicting, reports on Orang Asli religions [Needham #673]
462. ——. 1979. The Chewong of Malaysia: A study on the introduction of family planning to an aboriginal group. Populi (Journal of the United Nations Fund for Population Studies) 6(4): 48–51 — describes Chewong women’s interest in and desire for birth control pills. [LTP]
463. ——. 1981. “Rules not words”. In Indigenous psychologies. Ed. P. Heelas and A. Lock. London: Academic Press — examines Chewong vocabulary relating to inner emotional states and notions of the self. [Howell #470]
464. ——. 1981. The “Che-wong” revisited. JMBRAS 54(3): 57–69 — discussion later incorporated into #471. Sorts out the origins of the name “Chewong” and analyzes published stories about the people. [LTP]
465. ——. 1982. Chewong myths and legends. Kuala Lumpur: Monograph no. 11, MBRAS — reproduces 71 myths in free translation, collected between 1977 and 1979 and verified in 1981; with the barest of commentary. Grouped by themes, and with a short introduction to the general principles of Chewong thought (a summary of material appearing fully in Howell #471). Only one myth (Appendix 1) is reproduced in the Chewong language with interlinear transcription. [LTP]
466. ——. 1983. Chewong women in transition: The effect of monetisation on a hunter-gatherer society of Malaysia. Canterbury, UK: Occasional Paper 1 (Women and Development in South-East Asia), Centre of South-East Asian Studies, University of Kent — found indications of growing gender stratification, with individual men emerging as leaders. Explains this in terms of commodity trade (recent emergence of Malacca cane as a trade item) and more exposure to other peoples and the Government. [Gomes #385]
467. ——. 1985. “Equality and hierarchy: Chewong classification”. In Contexts and levels. Ed. R. H. Barnes and D. De Coppet. Oxford: JASO Monograph no. 4, OUP.
468. ——. 1986. Formal speech acts as one discourse. Man [=JRAI] 21: 79–l0l.
469. ——. 1988. “From child to human: Chewong concepts of self”. Pp. 147–168 in Acquiring culture: Cross-cultural studies in child development. Ed. I. M. Lewis and Gustar Jahoda. London: Croom Helm.
470. ——. 1989. “To be angry is not to be human, but to be fearful is: Chewong concepts of human nature”. Pp. 45–59 in Societies at peace. Ed. Signe Howell and Roy Willis. London: Routledge — in response to the brief of the volume, whether anthropological approaches can throw light on the question of human aggressiveness, shows how in the Chewong moral universe, shyness and fearfulness are valued over violent acts. A convincing argument, but lacks empirical documentation of actual instances of conflict resolution – perhaps because Chewong do such a good job of keeping conflict under lid! [LTP]
471. ——. 1989. Society and cosmos: Chewong of Peninsular Malaysia. Foreword by Rodney Needham, with a new preface. Chicago, Il: University of Chicago Press — the first book-length study of the Chewong and an engaging ethnography. Examines the principles that govern the way the Chewong act, based on their understanding of themselves, each other, their environment, and the supernatural. Includes basic ethnography, an attempt to subject Chewong classification to computer software analysis, and an appendix of Chewong myths in free translation, a longer version of which last is presented in #465 [LTP; extract]. Revision of 1980 doctoral thesis (Oxford University, Oxford). Original ed. 1984.
472. ——. 1992. “Time past, time present, time future: Contrasting temporal values in two Southeast Asian societies”. In Contemporary futures: Perspectives from social anthropology. Ed. Sandra Wallman. London: ASA Monograph no. 30, Routledge.
473. ——. 1994. “Reading culture: Or how anthropological texts create fieldwork expectations and shape future texts”. In The multiplicity of writing. Ed. E. Archetti. Oxford: Scandinavian Universities Press and OUP.
474. ——. 1994. Singing with the spirits and praying to the ancestors: A comparison between Chewong and Lio invocations. l’Homme (Special issue on “Invocations et prieres en Asie de sud-est”).
475. ——. 1996. “Nature in culture or culture in nature? Chewong ideas of ‘humans’ and other species”. In Nature and society: Anthropological perspectives. Ed. Philippe Descola and Gisli Palsson. London: Routledge.
476. ——. 1997. “Cultural studies and social anthropology: Contesting or complementary discourses”. Pp. 103–125 in Anthropology and cultural studies. Ed. Stephen Nugent and Cris Shore. London: Pluto Press — Chewong appear briefly here to support the author’s argument that there is an intrinsic value to the anthropological approach to, and definition of culture, and that anthropology can co-exist with cultural studies. [LTP]
477. ——. 2001/2002. “‘We people belong in the forest’: Chewong re-creations of uniqueness and separateness”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — examines why some Chewong groups in the early 1990s had moved back to the forest from a JHEOA-built settlement and resumed their classical hunting-and-gathering/swiddening way of life. Argues that part of the reason lies in Chewong conceptions of their identity and the need to preserve the social-spatial boundaries that would prevent them from assimilating into broader (specifically Malay) society. With overview of changes and continuities in Chewong modes of life in these past decades and suggestive remarks on notions of place [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
478. HUGHES, D. 1963. Senoi Temiar: Dermatoglyphic data. Man [=JRAI] 63: 74 — compares fingerprint patterns to those of other Southeast Asian aboriginal populations; anthropometric samples from Pasir Riang and Gemalah in Kelantan. [LTP; ATR #1680]
479. ——. 1964. Kensiu Negritos: Dermatoglyphic data with comparative notes. Man [=JRAI] 64: 82–85 — on Kensiu from Tam Teloh, near Banangstar, Yala Province, So. Thailand; anthropometric samples collected by members of the 1962 Cambridge Expedition to South-East Asia. For content, see note for #478.
480. ——. 1965. The physical anthropology of South-East Asia: A study of some contemporary aspects of human variability in the region. Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, Cambridge — attempts to relate some of the Orang Asli anthropometric data to Southeast Asian racial history. Assumes that the distribution of these characteristics reflects past racial migrations. [ATR #1680]
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