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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (21): Ibrahim to Jumper

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 481–502

400. IBRAHIM Jantan, ABU SAID Ahmad, and ABD. RASHIH Ahmad. 1991. Tapping of oleo-resin from Dipterocarpus kerrii. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 3(4): 348–355 — describes the technology of oleo-resin extraction from one specii Dipterocarpus kerrii by Semelai at T. Bera and Orang Hulu at Buluh Nipis. Presents an alternative method of tapping that the authors consider, though unconvincingly, less damaging and more productive. [RG]
401. ISHAK b. Ramly. 1980. Suku Temiar Jeram Bertam: Antara tradisi dan perubahan [The Temiar of Jeram Bertam: Between tradition and change]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
402. ISKANDAR Juberi. 1975. Perhubungan sosial antara kaum Bersisek dengan kaum-kaum lain di perkampungan Orang Asli Tanjong Sepat dan Pulau Banting, Kuala Langat: Satu kajian tentang corak dan kesan [Social interaction between the Mah Meri and other ethnic groups: A study of patterns and effects]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
403. ITAM Wali Nawan. 1993. Rancangan pengumpulan semula (RPS) Orang Jahai: Kajian kes mengenai perubahan sosial di RPS Air Banun [The Jahai: A case study of social change in RPS Air Banun]. Bangi, Selangor: Jabatan Anthropologi dan Sosiologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. [type of publication unclear]
404. ——. 1993. “Di manakah kami sekarang? [Where are we now?]”. Pp. 69–74 in #455. [see notes for #455]
405. JENNINGS, Sue. 1985. “Temiar dance and the maintenance of order”. In Society and the dance. Ed. P. Spencer. Cambridge: CUP — on dance and bodily techniques.
406. ——. 1995. Theatre, ritual and transformation: The Senoi Temiars, with “Pronunciation guide: Notes by Geoffrey Benjamin”. London: Routledge — on dance and bodily techniques. Author’s specialized training in dramatherapy affords a stimulating assessment of Temiar religion. Documentation of Temiar child socialization enriched by the fieldwork presence of author’s children. Includes discussions of spatial and ritual orders, among other issues [LTP]. Revision of 1988 Ph.D. thesis (University of London, London). For review, see: RKD in Am. Anthro. (1997).
407. JENSEN, Knud-Erik. 1977. Relative age and category: The Semaq Beri case. Folk 19–20: 171–181.
408. ——. 1981. The cusp catastrophe as a model of the boundaries of socio-cultural integration [the Semaq Beri of Malaysia]. Folk 23: 263–274.
409. JIMIN b. Idris. 1968. Distribution of Orang Asli in West Malaysia. FMJ (n.s.) 1: 44–48 — reports on the results of JHEOA’s 1965 census. [LTP]
410. JONES, Alun. 1968. The Orang Asli: An outline of their progress in modern Malaya. Journal of Southeast Asian History 9: 286–305 — one of the perennially cited accounts of the Emergency, contains much insight from his personal experiences in starting up the “jungle forts”.
411. JUHARA bt. Musa. 1974. Kekeluargaan dan perkahwinan di kalangan masyarakat Temuan di Kampung Guntur, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan [Kinship and marriage among the Temuan]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

412. JULI Edo. 1988. Agama dan perubatan di kalangan masyarakat Semai, Perak [Religion and healing among Semai society]. M.Phil. thesis, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
413. ——. 1990. Tradisi lesan masyarakat Semai [Semai oral traditions]. Bangi, Selangor: Monograf no. 16, Faculti Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
414. ——. 1993. “Kepercayaan dan pantang larang di kalangan orang Semai” [Beliefs and taboos among the Semai]. Pp. 74–100 in Masyarakat dan perubahan [Society and change]. Ed. Mohd. Salleh Lamry and Hasan Mat Nor. Bangi, Selangor: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia — on religion as a system of social control, which maintains proper relations amongst persons and between community and the supernatural world; focuses on the Kg. Erang (U. Bernam, So. Perak) community. Argues that, syncretism and variation aside, there is an identifiable core of Semai beliefs. [LTP]
415. ——. 1995. “The economic activities of Orang Asli living on the periphery: A case study of Kampung Pengkalan Daun, Cenderong Balai, Perak”. Pp. 259–284 in Dimensions of tradition and development in Malaysia. Ed. Rokiah Talib and Tan Chee Beng. Petaling Jaya, Selangor: Pelanduk.
416. ——. 1998. Claiming our ancestors’ land: An ethnohistorical study of Seng-oi land rights in Perak and Malaysia. Ph.D. diss., Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra — revisionist look at Semai history. Oral history shows Semai to have close relations with the Malay sultanate, which bestowed titles on Semai leaders and considered Semai among the rakyat. Benefits enjoyed by the rakyat slowly changed as the colonial regime took over the resource landscape, and recategorized Semai identity and their modes of life. Thus Semai dispossession from land dates to the colonial era. [notes from #499]
417. ——. 2000. Stories of migration from native resources: The Semai oral tradition. BIPPA 19: 42–46.
418. ——. 2001/2002. “Traditional alliance: Contact between the Semai and the Malay state in pre-modern Perak”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — see notes for #497, from which this article is extracted. For publication notes, see #126.
419. JUMPER, Roy Davis Linville. 1997. Power and politics: The story of Malaysia’s Orang Asli. Lanham, MD: University Press of America — disappointing that the author did not make more of his much noted visit to Malaysia to engage in field research. Sadly lacking in empirical data [notes from Nicholas White’s review in Asian Affairs vol. 30 no. 2 (1999), p. 228]. See also KME in Journal of Asian Studies vol. 57 no. 3 (1998), pp. 914–915.
420. ——. 1999. Orang Asli now: The Orang Asli in the Malaysian political world. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
421. ——. 2001. Death waits in the “dark”: The Senoi Pra’aq, Malaysia’s killer elite. Westport, CT: Contributions in military studies no. 206, Greenwood Press — examines the Senoi Pra’aq as a “private army” that developed into an “affiliate” of the Royal Malaysian Police. [from publicity blurb]
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