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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (22): Kam to Kwa


Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 503–535

400. KAM Raslan. 1997. “Orang Asli”. Pp. 142–144 in Generation: A collection of contemporary Malaysian ideas. Ed. Amir Muhammad. Kuala Lumpur: Hikayat Press — on the Dipang flood disaster; points to the “sheer horror” that some forty people (mainly Semai) were swept away. Critiques Malaysian capacity to forget the magnitude of such disasters and Orang Asli concerns as well as general patronizing attitude towards the people. [LTP; ASB]
401. KAMARULZAMAN Yahya. 1989. “Perubatan tradisi di kalangan masyarakat Orang Asli [Traditional medicine in Orang Asli societies]”. Pp. 226–228 in Proceedings of the seminar on Malaysian traditional medicine. Ed. E. Soepadmo, et al. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
402. KATHIRITHAMBY-WELLS, Jeya. 1997. “Human impact on large mammal populations in Peninsular Malaysia from the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century”. Pp. 215–241 in Paper landscapes: Explorations in the environmental history of Indonesia. Ed. Peter Boomgaard, et al. Leiden: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde no. 178, KITLV Press — tentative study of how aboriginal and early pioneering activity in the Peninsula boosted secondary vegetation and grassland simulating Pleistocene cold periods, to the advantage of large mammal populations. A historical study based on archival research only; ignores more recent studies of Orang Asli resource management. [LTP]
403. ——. 1998. “Attitudes to natural resources and environment among the upland forest and swidden communities of Southeast Asia during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries”. Pp. 918–935 in Nature and the orient: The environmental history of South and Southeast Asia. Ed. Richard H. Grove, et al. Delhi: OUP — primarily a review of forest peoples’ use practices and responses to the global economy. Uses Orang Asli material (among others) but largely references colonial and pre-colonial literature. [LTP]
404. KELSALL, H. J. 1894. A trip up the Pahang, Tembeling, and Tahan Rivers, and an attempt to reach Gunong Tahan. JSBRAS 25: 33–56 — includes encounter with tree-top houses of (probably) Batek at U. Tahan and visit to a just-vacated camp. [#Skagden]
405. ——. 1894. A list of Jakun names of persons, collected at Sungei Madek. JSBRAS 26: 57.
406. Kerajaan Negeri Johor v Adong bin Kuwau & Ors [1998] 2 MLJ 158+ — Federal Court decision to dismiss the Johor Government’s appeal against #47.
407. KEYES, Charles F. 1977. The golden peninsula: Culture and adaptation in mainland Southeast Asia. New York: MacMillan — includes information on Semang of Thailand.
408. KHADIZAN b. Abdullah, and ABD. RAZAK Yaacob. 1974. Pasir Lenggi: A Bateq Negrito resettlement area in Ulu Kelantan. Ed. Anthony R. Walker. Provisional research report no. 3, Social Anthropology Section, School of Comparative Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang — basic descriptive ethnography; student report from a brief field stay in the community. [LTP]
409. KHALIDAH Abd. Aziz. 1975. Dasar kerajaan terhadap Orang Asli di Bukit Lanjan dan kesannya terhadap corak hidup dan sikap mereka [The effect of Government policy on Temuan attitudes and way of life]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
410. KHOO Ah Choo. 1990/91. Kesedaran dan kepekaan politik masyarakat Temuan: Satu kajian kes di Parit Gong, Negeri Sembilan [Political awareness and astuteness of the Temuan]. Latihan Ilmiah Sarjanamuda dengan Kepujian, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
411. KHOO Kay Kim and ADNAN Hj. Nawang, eds. 1984. Darurat: 1948–1960 [Emergency: 1948–1960]. Kuala Lumpur: Muzium Angkatan Tentera — includes numbers of Orang Asli injured or killed during the Emergency. [CN #684]
412. KHOO, S. H., and P. K. VOON. 1986. Resettlement: An aspect of the Orang Asli settlement in Peninsular Malaysia. Geography Bulletin (Sydney) 18(3): 266–278.
413. KIEW Bong Heang. 1986. Orang Asli tales from Kampung Peta. Malayan Naturalist 40(2): 28–32 — ten stories told to members of the Endau-Rompin expedition by the Orang Hulu guides from Kg. Peta. [RKL #1691]
414. ——. 1989. The construction of a simple charcoal kiln in the rainforest. Malayan Naturalist 42(2/3): 6–8 — illustrated account of a simple charcoal kiln by Orang Hulu of Kg. Peta; this skill was acquired from the Chinese. [RKL #1691]
415. ——. 1989. The making of an Orang Asli bark boat. Malayan Naturalist 42(4): 3–4 — details on the traditional Orang Asli method of making a bark boat, now used only in emergencies. [RKL #1691]
416. KIEW, Ruth, and HOOD Salleh. 1996. “The role of rattan in the economy of Orang Asli communities”. Pp. 3–20 in #31 — based on a 1988 questionnaire survey of some communities (Batek, Chewong, Jah Het, Orang Hulu, Semai, Semaq Beri, Semelai, Temiar, Temuan) and a few of the middlemen. Concerns of the survey: sustainability of rattan stocks and Orang Asli’s income dependence on rattan; however, gives no concrete proposals for how to protect the resource base. A rare attempt to systematically examine how a single resource is used by communities with different degrees of dependence on the forest [LTP]. Previously published 1991 as “The future of rattan collecting as a source of income for Orang Asli communities” in the Proceedings of the Conference on Malaysian Forestry and Forest Product Research (Kepong: Forest Research Institute of Malaysia), pp. 121–129.
417. KIEW Yeng Meng. 2000. Pembangunan masyarakat Orang Asli: Kajian kes di kalangan Orang Semai di RPS Betau, Kuala Lipis, Pahang [Orang Asli development: Case study among Semai]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
418. KINZIE, J. David, and Karen KINZIE. 1966. The Jahai Negritos: A glimpse of a culture in transition. FMJ (n.s.) 11: 26–33 — basic ethnography of newly resettled Jahai at Grik. [LTP]
419. KLOSS, C. Boden. 1914. Measurement of some Biduanda (Mantra) of Ulu Kenaboi, Jelabu. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 5: 57–59 — anthropometry of Temuan.
420. ——. 1915. Measurements of some Sakai of Sungkai and Slim, South Perak, with notes on the same. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 6(2): 71–84 — anthropometry of Semai.
421. KNOCKER, Fred W. 1905. A Sakai counting-stick or tally. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms 1(2): 60–61.
422. ——. 1907. The aborigines of Sungei Ujong. JRAI 37: 290–305.
423. ——. 1909. Notes on the wild tribes of the Ulu Plus, Perak. JRAI 39: 142–155 — at this time the U. Plus had scarcely entered the colonial map and the Plus people subject to all sorts of wild rumours and speculations. Knocker’s 1905 expedition to the area (lasting four weeks) was to get a better sense of the aboriginals living there. The general impression from this short description is of a healthy, autonomous people who lived in dispersed hamlets and villages, but who maintained ongoing trading and visiting relations with each other. With a short vocabulary, anthropometric measurements, and eight photographs. [LTP]
424. KOH Bee Hong. 1978. The flow of energy in an Orang Asli community. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — examines how energy is obtained and used by Temuan of Sg. Lui. Energy flow is operationalized in terms of “inputs” (food intake, use of kerosene, wood and other fuels) and “outputs” (daily activities). ATR #1680 comments on the author’s diligence in weighing food intake and observing activities of three Temuan households. Shows their average daily protein intake, much of itobtained from a wide variety of wild sources, is generally considerably above national recommended minimum levels. [LTP]
425. ——. 1978. The flow of energy in an Orang Asli community: A case study of a Temuan community at Sungai Lui, Ulu Langat, Selangor. B.A. Hons. thesis, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. [possibly a revision #527]
426. KOH Siew Eng. 1989. Orang Asli dan masyarakat umum: Satu kajian etnografi terhadap komuniti Temiar di Kampung Merlung, Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula (RPS) Kuala Betis, Kelantan [Orang Asli and the broader society: An ethnographic study of the Temiar]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Jabatan Antropologi dan Sosiologi, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
427. KOLINSKI, Miezyslaw. 1930. Die musik der primitivstämme auf Malaka und ihre beziehungen zur Samoanischen musik [The music of the primitive tribes of Malaya and its relations to Samoan music]. Anthropos 25: 585–648 — comparative study of Orang Asli music, working from cylinder recordings made by Paul Schebesta in the 1920s. [GB #1677]
428. KOOP, B., W. BAUER, and A. BERNKOP-SCHNURCH. 1992. Analysis of some Malaysian dart poisons. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 36: 57–62 — based on Cerutti and Schebesta data. [ASB]
429. Koperasi Kijang Mas Bhd. and 3 Ors v. Kerajaan Negeri Perak & 2 Ors [1991] 1 CLJ 1: 486–488 — judgement of Justice Abd. Malek Ahmad in a High Court case deciding favourably on the Jahai’s rights to timber resources in the Belum area. The Court held that the State Government of Perak had breached the Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954 when it accepted Syarikat Samudera Budi Sdn Bhd.’s tender to log in lands that were in RPS Sg. Banun and RPS Pos Legap which had been approved by the State Government as aboriginal reserves. [Lim #570; CN]
430. KROES, Gerco. 1989. Concepts of soul in Peninsular Malaysia: A comparison of traditional Malayan and Semai world-views. M.A. thesis, Free University, Amsterdam [in Dutch].
431. ——. 2001/2002. “Culture contact and Semai cultural identity”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — uses a proximity model to examine patterns of change in ritual and identity due to increased inter-ethnic contact. Compares conditions between Eastern and Western Semai villages, based on in-depth fieldwork in the east and short surveys in the west [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
432. ——. forthcoming. Same hair, different hearts. The Semai identity in a Malay context: A systematic analysis of differences and similarities in ideas and practices in the field of health and illness. Ph.D. thesis, Leiden University, The Netherlands. To be defended in January 2002 and published by the Leiden School of Non-Western Studies.
536. KUCHIKURA, Yukio. 1987. Subsistence ecology among Semoq Beri hunter-gatherers of Peninsular Malaysia. Sapporo, Japan: Hokkaido Behavioral Science Report Series E, no. 1, Hokkaido University Department of Behavioral Science — very detailed and highly ecological account of Semaq Beri foraging. Tests his findings against predictions derived from a linear programming model and from optimal foraging theory. A major contribution to ecological and hunter-gatherer studies in general and still not yet superseded. Field studies based in Ulu Terengganu district, Sg. Trengganu, Sg. Kerbat, and Sg. Terengan [LTP; GB #1677; KME in #1706 no. 6]. Originally submitted 1986 as Ph.D. diss. (University of Tokyo, Tokyo).
537. ——. 1988. Efficiency and focus of blowpipe hunting among Semaq Beri hunter-gatherers of Peninsular Malaysia. Human Ecology 16(3): 271–305.
538. ——. 1988. Food use and nutrition in a hunting and gathering community in transition, Peninsular Malaysia. Man and Culture in Oceania 4: 1–30 — also mentions the adverse effects of sedentarization on Semaq Beri health and nutrition.
539. ——. 1993. Wild yams in the tropical rain forest: Abundance and dependence among the Semaq Beri in Peninsular Malaysia. Man and Culture in Oceania 9: 81–102 — presents quantitative data on gathering activities and the distribution pattern of wild yams in the Semaq Beri’s territory. Though, with increased involvement in rattan collection and trade, the dietary importance of wild yams has been diminishing, yams remain an important food supplement. 90 per cent of the total yield was collected in modified or disturbed forest environments, particularly in secondary forests regenerated from agricultural clearings. [extract]

540. ——. 1996. “Fishing in the tropical rain forest: Utilization of aquatic resources among the Semaq Beri hunter-gatherers of Peninsular Malaysia”. Pp. 147–174 in Coastal foragers in transition. Ed. Tomoya Akimichi. Osaka, Japan: Senri Ethnological Studies no. 42, National Museum of Ethnology — presents quantitative data on fishing activities and utilization of aquatic resources: daily fishing events, efficiency,and catch composition. Analyzes the role of fishing in their overall food procurement strategy. Includes attention to environmental and wildlife classification and food-procurement technologies. [LTP]
541. KUMPULAN SENGOI METHODIST. n.d. Bup Lamur Ru Chenagoh. Kampar, Perak: Sengoi Methodist Mission — the Old Testament in Semai. [CN]
542. KWA Kian Peng, et al. 1993. Kajian lapangan di perkampungan Orang Asli Telok Tongkah [Fieldwork exercise in Telok Tongkah Orang Asli village]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
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