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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (24): Logan to Lye

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 578–601

536. LOGAN, J[ames] R[ichard]. 1847. The ethnology of the Johore Archipelago. JIA 1 — cited in Wazir 957 and #Skagden for early attempts to classify and categorize Orang Asli groups. [LTP]
537. ——. 1847. The Orang Binua of Johore. JIA 1: 242–293 — among other issues, compares the Jakun with Malays, gives information on the collection of gutta taban and the role of Malay traders (updated in #588), and identifies similarities in shamanic functions among Jakun, Dayak, and Batak. [#Skagden vol. 2]
538. ——. 1847. Physical characteristics of the Mintira. JIA 1: 294.
539. ——. 1847. The Orang Sabimba of the extremity of the Malay Peninsula. JIA 1: 295–299 — on Orang Laut; includes information on leadership and equality. [KME #303]
540. ——. 1847. The Orang Biduanda Kallang of the River Pulai in Johore. JIA 1: 299–302.
541. ——. 1847. The Orang Sletar of the rivers and creeks of the old strait and estuary of the Johore. JIA 1: 302–304.
542. ——. 1847. Table of measurements illustrative of the physical peculiarities of the Mintira, Biduanda Kallang and Sabimba. JIA 1: 305.
543. ——. 1847. The superstitions of the Mintira, with some additional remarks on their customs, etc. JIA 1: 307–331 — includes an argument that the religion is not derived from Hindu or Islamic thought, but ranks among the aboriginal religions of the world. [#Skagden vol. 2]
544. ——. 1847. Visit of a party of Orang Mintira to Singapore. JIA 1: 332 — an interesting account of the Mintira’s visit to Logan in Singapore (their first) and the tragic end of some of them in a homeward-bound shipwreck. [#Skagden]
545. ——. 1848. Journal of a voyage to the eastern coast and islands of Johore. JIA 2: 616+ — includes various observations of Jakun peoples. [#Skagden]
546. ——. 1848. Range of the gutta taban collectors, and present amount of imports into Singapore. JIA 2: 529–533 — useful summary of gutta taban export-based extraction, which had just begun and by time of writing had spread throughout the Peninsula, from Johor towards Perak and Pahang, and across the waters to Borneo and Sumatra. Involvement of Johor’s Orang Benua first reported in #579 and elaborated here: “nearly the whole indigenous population were engaged in the search”. Orang Seletar, described as “hereditary serfs” of the Johor Tamunggong, were among those “entirely employed” in searching for gutta, and the Sabimba were relocated from Battam (Singapore) to Johor for the same purpose. As extraction activities were spreading in the region, resource stocks in Johor had already declined. Britain was, predictably, the main destination for the exports. [LTP]
547. ——. 1849. Five days in Naning, with a walk to the foot of Gunong Datu in Rembau. JIA 3 — includes search for Orang Asli. [LTP]
548. ——. 1849. The languages of the Indian Archipelago. JIA 3: 637–677.
549. ——. 1850. The ethnology of South-eastern Asia. JIA 4: 456–482.
550. ——. 1850. The ethnology of the Indian Archipelago. JIA 4: 252 + — includes general descriptions of various groups, including material on Orang Laut, and Semang mobility and tree-top shelters. [#Skagden]
551. ——. 1880. Memorandum of the various tribes inhabiting Penang and Province Wellesley. JSBRAS 7: 82–93 — general information on Semang.
552. LOH Kee Wey, Henry. 1993. Evolving Semai identities: Religious conversion and social relations in a Semai community. M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
553. LOW, James. 1850. The Karean tribes or aborigines of Martaban and Tavai, with notices of the aborigines in Keddah and Perak. JIA 4: 413–432.
554. ——. 1850. The Semang and Sakai tribes of the Malay Peninsula. JIA (n.s.) 4: 424–432.

555. LYE Tuck-Po. 1994. Batek hep: Culture, nature, and the folklore of a Malaysian forest people. M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Honolulu. 311 pp. — primarily a content analysis of some myths and folklore collected over ten weeks in Kechau and Taman Negara (Pahang). Attempts to elicit environmental principles and information through studying key symbols and images that occur in the stories. A small corpus is reproduced in free translation. With some misinterpretations. [LTP]
556. ——. 1997. Knowledge, forest, and hunter-gatherer movement: The Batek of Pahang, Malaysia. Ph.D. diss., Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Honolulu. 482 pp. — study of landscape perception that began by asking why and how the Batek of Pahang persist as mobile hunter-gatherers. Looks at cultural continuity as a function of the capacity to transmit knowledge of self and place, and knowledge as process that could not exist without continued dwelling in the forest. Includes some attention to childcare, children’s growth as knowledgeable agents, ideas of the forest, camps and trails, and mobility. [LTP]
557. ——. 1999. Sustainability and local knowledge of the forest: Examining the idioms of Batek hunter-gatherers of Pahang, Malaysia. Pp. 26–31 in the proceedings of the workshop, “New Perspective to the Human Oriented Ecosystem”, organized by the Center of Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 16–18 March [in Japanese] — argues that contemporary discussions of “sustainability” don’t get at, and ignores the richness of, alternate definitions of environmental relations, as exemplified by the Batek. [LTP]
558. ——. 2000. Forest, Bateks, and degradation: Environmental representations in a changing world. TAK 38(2): 165–184 — the Batek’s responses to environmental changes are less a sprig of global environmentalism than an independently constructed position, as mediated through their concrete knowledge and sentiments of the place and its history. This paper examines the cognitive and imaginative dimensions of this knowledge. [extract]
559. ——. 2001/2002. “Forest peoples, conservation boundaries, and the problem of ‘modernity’ in Malaysia”. In #126 — critiques, through a study of conservation boundaries in Taman Negara, the Malay association of the Batek with primitive qualities and an irrelevant past [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
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