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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (28): Parsons to Quadens

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 733–745

536. PARSONS, Claudia. 1941. Vagabondage. London: Chatto and Windus — pp. 177–180 and two photographs are on the time she spent among the Korbu Temiar in the mid-1930s with H. D. Noone and Kilton Stewart, whose secretary she was. [GB #1677]
537. PAUL, Robert. 1978. Instinctive aggression in man: The Semai case. Journal of Psychological Anthropology 1: 65–79.
538. PELRAS, C. 1972. Notes sur quelques populations aquatiques de l’archipel nusantarien [Notes on some aquatic populations in archipelagic Southeast Asia]. Archipel (Bandung) 3(3): 133–168 [in French] — visited Orang Kuala (=Duano) at mouth of Sg. Benut, Johor. Tried to visit the boat-living Orang Seletar in an arm of the mangrove delta of the Pulai River, Johor, but only made it to the nearby Simpang Arang boatlanding, where some families had settled at JHEOA’s urging. [ASB]
539. PLEYTE, C. M. 1891. Sumpitan and bow in Indonesia [=International Archiv. f. Ethnologie Bd. iv], translated, with illustrations — distribution study; a great monograph on the blowpipe and the bow with corrections of earlier writers and quoting other observers. [Skagden vol. 1: 252–253]
540. POLUNIN, Ivan. 1953. The medical natural history of Malayan aborigines. Med. J. Mal. 8: 55–174 — the classic epidemiological study of the Orang Asli. For a long time, this paper stood as, in ATR’s words, “the most comprehensive account of health status and diseases of the Orang Asli” (#1680). Most of the field research was conducted in guarded camps during the early years of the Emergency; consequently, the dismal health conditions reported here are a detailed indictment of conditions in those camps. In addition to its health concerns, this study contains much of ethnographic and biological-anthropological interest. Groups studied were: Semai (U. Jelai, but resettled at Bkt. Betong), Lanoh and Orang Jeram, mixed with Temiar (Kg. U. Jepai, Lenggong, U. Kendrong), Orang Seletar (Sg. Lebam, K. Redan). Localities of the groups are given on p. 166 by map sheet number and reference but not by ethnic name [LTP; ASB; GB #1677]. Revision of doctoral thesis.
541. ——. 1963. “The effects of shifting agriculture on human health and disease”. Pp. 388–393 in Proceedings of the symposium on the impact of man on humid tropics vegetation. Goroka, Papua-New Guinea: UNESCO Science Co-operation Office for Southeast Asia, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra — points out that clearing forest for swiddens creates ideal breeding conditions for the Anopheles maculatus, the principal malaria vector in the Malaysian forest. [ATR #1680]
542. ——. 1968. The magical medical system of the Jah Hut tribe of central West Malaysia. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 1: 243–244 — describes this system and stresses the beneficial effect of suggestive psychotherapy; includes some description of healing practices. [ASB]
543. POR Beng Keong. 1987. Kajian Orang Asli di Lebuk Legong [Research on the Orang Asli at Lebuk Legong]. Report submitted to Shuichi Nagata, 14/6/1987. Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang — on Kensiu and Kintaq.
544. PORTEUS, S. D. 1937. Primitive intelligence and environment. New York: Macmillan — reports an early attempt to measure intelligence levels of Temiar and Semnam using a maze test. The measurer was Kilton Stewart, who associated physical type with intelligence levels. [RKD; ATR #1680]
545. PRENTICE, Crawford, Per Chrois CHRISTENSEN, Alvin LOPEZ, and ZAITON Surut. 1999. “Community participation in the conservation and management of Tasek Bera Ramsar site”. Pp. 180–204 in From principles to practice: Indigenous peoples and protected areas in South and Southeast Asia. Ed. Marcus Colchester and Christian Erni. Copenhagen: IWGIA Document no. 97, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and the Forest Peoples Programme.
546. QUADENS, Olga [=Olga PETRE-QUADENS]. 1980 “Physiologie du sommeil et environment [Physiology of sleep and environment].” Totus Homo 12(10): 14–22 — argues that Westerners show more REM activity than Temiar, maybe because the West is so hectic. [RKD]
547. QUADENS, Olga [=Olga PETRE-QUADENS], and Pat WEST. 1990. L’architecture du rêve: Du cerveau à la culture [Architecture of the dream: From the brain to culture]. Louvain: Editions Peeters — enjoyable popularization of Quadens’ work with chapters on Temiar and Iban. Imaginative and original attempt to understand shamanism physiologically. Quadens is a student of dream physiology as measured by REM and EEG. Ethnographically a disappointment, mostly due to a slapdash literature survey (priviledging Kilton Stewart’s fictionalized publications and omitting key studies on the topic). On Temiar, argues that peaceability, but not their dreaming, is a myth. Spent three weeks in U. Bertam, then took two Temiar teenagers to Kuala Lumpur to test their REM [from RKD’s review in #1706 no. 9]. See also Pat West’s “Rejoinder to Dentan’s review of L’architecture du rêve”, RKD’s “Reply to Pat West” (both in #1706 no. 10) and RKD’s review in Borneo Research Bulletinvol. 25 (1994), pp. 142–147, 149–150.
548. QUADENS, Olga [=Olga PETRE-QUADENS], HADJI Hussain and C. BALARATNAM. 1975. Paradoxical sleep characteristics and cultural environment. Acta Neurologica Belgium 75(2): 85–92 — on two Temiar men, who Quadens brought to Kuala Lumpur to test their REM rates. Proposed investigating the effects of Temiar culture, which she chose “because of its attention paid to dreams and its reputation of a peaceful, individualistic people” (citing studies by GB and Kilton Stewart). [RKD]
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