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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (30d): Skeat

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.

577. SKEAT, W[alter] W[illiam]. 1896. A vocabulary of the Besisi dialect. JSBRAS 29: 13–32.
578. ——. 1897. Sakai tribes in Selangor. Sel. J. 5(20): 325–330.
579. ——. 1897. Sakai tribes in Selangor, Kuala Langat District. Sel. J. 5(21): 361–366.
580. ——. 1897. The traditions of Ulu Langat. Sel. J. 5(21).

581. ——. 1901. Fables and folk-tales from an eastern forest. Cambridge: CUP — good source for Orang Asli and Malay animal tales (re-told by Skeat); also referenced by Rudyard Kipling for his Just So stories and thus, circuitously, now part of world culture [LTP]. Reprinted 1955 (Singapore: Malayan Heritage Series no. 7, Donald Moore).
582. ——. 1902. Blowpipe from Kuantan (Malay Peninsula). Man [=JRAI] 2: 145–146.
583. ——. 1902. The wild tribes of the Malay Peninsula. JAI [=JRAI] 32: 124–141 — preliminary introduction to his scheme of ethnolinguistic classification. Labels and describes Semang, Sakai, and Jakun (the last sub-divided between inland “Jungle or Hill Jakuns” and “Jakuns of the Sea or Orang Laut”). A standard report for the times with general ethnographic description. Includes comments on linguistics from Blagden (at the time still working on his comparative vocabulary) and questions from the audience [LTP]. Read at the Anthropological Institute; reprinted 1903 in Smithsonian Report for 1902 (Washington, D. C.), pp. 463–478.
584. ——. 1908. Vestiges of totemism in the Malay Peninsula. Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Religions, pp. 95–102 — one of Skeat’s few published analyses of current anthropological theories. Main subject of the paper is a discussion of ideas developed in Andrew Lang’s The Secret of the Totem (1905). Skeat points out that in Skagden he had said there is no totemism among the Semang. [Gullick #397]

585. ——. 1953. Reminiscences of the Cambridge University expedition to the north-eastern Malay states, 1899–1900. JMBRAS 26(4): 9–147 — the fieldwork background to #Skagden; combines memoirs and ethnological and travel observations. A vivid narrative with tantalizing glimpses of Orang Asli and their territories. Published posthumously soon after Skeat’s death and his second major contribution to Orang Asli studies after #Skagden [LTP]. This is the centrepiece of the JMBRAS special issue on “The Cambridge University Expedition to the North-Eastern States and to Upper Perak, 1899–1900”, which includes valuable biographical materials on Skeat and other expedition members. Pp. 113–114, 121–122 (not the Orang Asli portions) extracted in #399, pp. 140–146.
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