From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
562. SCHWARTZ, Ute. 1971. Interethnische Beziehung der Semang, Senoi und Jakun (Malaya) [Interethnic relationships between the Semang, Senoi and Jakun (Malaya)]. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorwürde der Philsophischen, Fakultäten der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, zu Freiburg im Breisgau — “inter-ethnic” here does not refer to ethnic relations in the sociological sense of relations between groups of people. The study is on the historical ethnology of the Orang Asli, based on literature reviews. Includes a valuable account of the early development of Orang Asli studies and a useful listing of obscure nineteenth-century sources. [GB]
563. SCOTT, W. D. 1897. Report relating to Sakai tribes in Selangor, Kuala Selangor district. Reprinted in Sel. J. 5: 396.
564. SHAHRUM b. Yub. 1964. Mah Meri masks. FMJ (n.s.) 8: 18–23.
565. ——. 1965. Mah Meri sculpture. FMJ (n.s.) 9: 52–66.
566. SHAM Sani. 1989. Aspek socio-ekonomi masyarakat Temuan di Bukit Tampoi [Socio-economic aspects of Temuan society]. Akademika 35, July: 87–96 — findings from a one-week interview-based survey. On how Orang Asli have not been prepared for the socio-economic changes instigated by development processes. Argues that the main responsibility for coping with change is the Orang Asli themselves: i.e., they have to change their attitudes. [LTP]
567. SHARP, I. 1986. Tales of Seventh Heaven. Malayan Naturalist 39(3 & 4): 32–33 — three legends related by Orang Hulu guides of the Endau-Rompin expedition. [RKL #1691]
568. SHARPE, Bryan P. 1976. Interim report on the conditions and prospects of the Orang Asli of Southeast Pahang, Kuantan. 111 pp., with maps. Mimeographed. Lembaga Kemajuan Pahang Tenggara, Kuantan, Pahang — study by sociologists from Universiti Sains Malaysia; includes a small amount of ethnographic information on Orang Hulu and Semelai. The communities studied were: Bkt. Serok, Kg. Aur, Kedaik, Kg. Sg. Muk, Kg. Serdang, Nenasi-Sg. Bebar area, Batu Gong, T. Chini, Bkt. Rok, F. Iskandar. [SN; GB #1677]
569. SHASTRI, Hermen. 1989. Christ in tribal culture: A study of the interaction between Christianity and Semai society of Peninsular Malaysia in the context of the history of the Methodist mission (1930–1983). Doctor of Theology, Faculty of Theology, Ruprecht-Karis-Univertat, Heidelberg.
