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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (34): Yeo to Zawawi


Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1002–1018

536. YEO Yen Ho, et al. 1993. Laporan kerja lapangan Bukit Serok, Pahang Darul Makmur [Project paper on Bkt. Serok]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
537. ZAHID Emby. 1990. “The Orang Asli regrouping scheme: Converting swiddeners to commercial farmers”. Pp. 94–109 in Margins and minorities: The peripheral areas and peoples of Malaysia. Ed. Victor T. King and Michael J. G. Parnwell. Hull, UK: Hull University Press — on Semai; argues that the Regroupment Scheme is more than just an organized resettlement programme, or a scheme to convert swiddeners into sedentary farmers. Its ultimate result is the creation of cash crop farmers and labourers dependant on the world market and the state for their survival. [LTP]
538. ZAINAL ABIDIN Borhan. 1983. “Pekerjaan Orang Asli: Tradisi dan perubahan [Orang Asli occupations: Tradition and change]”. Pp. 331–348 in Kajian budaya dan masyarakat di Malaysia. Ed. Taib Osman and Wan Kadir Yusoff. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka — on 110 Orang Asli (ethnic group unidentified) living at 11½ mile Gombak. Aims to look at the effect of the agriculture-to-urbanization transition on Orang Asli access to wider occupational resources. With numerical analyses and typology of off-village employment patterns. [LTP]
539. ——. 1997. Gerak kehidupan Orang Seletar [Orang Seletar way of life]. Purba 15: 107–114.
540. ZAINAL Akmar Hj. Zainudin. 1980. Sistem kepercayaan orang-orang Temuan Kampung Bukit Tadom, Banting, Selangor [Belief system of the Temuan of Kg. Bkt. Tadom]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
541. ZAINUDDIN Abd. Rahman. 1978. The Temuan ecosystem. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 158 pp. — detailed description of the U. Langat environment and environmental relations, based on two months’ study of Kg. Paya Lebar. [LTP]
542. ZAINUDDIN b. Musa. 1995. Usaha-usaha JHEOA dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Islam di kalangan masyarakat Orang Asli: Satu kajian di Jeli, Kelantan [JHEOA’s efforts in undertaking Islamic education among Jahai]. Bacelor Pengajian Islam, Jabatan Pengajian al-quran dan al-sunnah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
543. ZAITON bt. Mohd. Shaharom. 1974. Sistem kekeluargaan dan perkahwinan orang-orang Semai di kawasan bandar Runding, Mukim Tapah, Perak [Kinship and marriage of the Semai in the area around Runding]. B.A. Grad. Ex., University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
544. ZAITON Surut. 1998. Sites of cultural and historical interest at Tasek Bera. Tasek Bera Technical Report Series. Wetlands International—Asia Pacific, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. [see note for #189]
545. ——. 1999. Strategic plan for community development at Tasek Bera (1999–2004). Tasek Bera Technical Report Series. Wetlands International—Asia Pacific, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. [see note for #189]
546. ZAKARIAH b. Awang. 1975. Sistem pengeluaran masyarakat Siwong [Chewong production system]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
547. ZAMANI Ismail, and ABDULLAH Hassan. 1987. Lapuran etnografi Malaysia I: Jah Hut [Malaysian ethnography report 1: Jah Hut]. Project Paper, Jabatan Antropologi & Sosiologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
548. ZAWAWI Ibrahim. 1995. Regional development in rural Malaysia and the “tribal question”. Centre for South-East Asian Studies Occasional paper 28, University of Hull — analyses the character of tribality among Jakun, and particularly those living in the DARA project areas of Pahang. Critiques perspectives of development planners; argues that regoupment schemes are not the sole routes to development [LTP]. Also published 1996 as “Regional development and the ‘tribal question’”, in Malaysia: Critical perspectives. Essays in honour of Syed Husin Ali, ed. Muhamad Ikmal Said and Zahid Emby (Petaling Jaya: Malaysian Social Science Association), pp. 171–207 and in 1998 as “Regional development in rural Malaysia and the tribal question” (pp. 143–192 in #416).
549. ——. 1996. The making of a subaltern discourse in the Malaysian nation-state: New subjectivities and the poetics of Orang Asli dispossession and identity. TAK 34(3): 568–600 — examines how Orang Asli leaders feel about being dispossessed of their land and made politically peripheral, following in the well-trodden anthropological path of priviledging local voices and local modes of articulating opposition. Based mainly on work among regroupment projects of Jakun (in the DARA project area in southeast Pahang) and Temuan (Selangor) and on content analysis of recorded speeches. [LTP]
550. ——. 1997. Orang Asli citizenry and nationhood: Mediating the voices of the Bumiputera “Other” in Malaysia. Asian Studies Review 21(1): 107–114.
551. ——. 1998. Orang Asli identity in the nation state. Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law 25: 175-188.

552. ZAWAWI Ibrahim, ed. 1996. Kami bukan anti-pembangunan (Bicara Orang Asli menuju Wawasan 2020) [We are not anti-development: Orang Asli discussion on Vision 2020]. Kuala Lumpur: Persuatan Sains Social Malaysia — transcripts from a 1/11/1994 forum on development, “Vision 2020 and the Orang Asli”, organised at Universiti Malaya by the Social Science Association of Malaysia. Speakers were Orang Asli leaders and representatives from each of the states, who articulated their development aspirations. With prefatory remarks by the editor and relevant articles from press coverage of the event. [LTP]
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