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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (4): Adong to Atikah


Updated: Aug 29, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. (references 47–75)

1. Adong bin Kuwau & Ors v Kerajaan Negeri Johor & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 418–437 — decision of Justice Mokhtar Sidin in the Johor Bahru High Court. The High Court made declarations that the Jakun of Sg. Linggiu had, besides their rights under the Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954, common law rights over their ancestral lands (53,273 acres of which had been alienated to the State Corporation for dam construction to supply water for Johor and Singapore). These rights derive from common law principles and are enforceable by ordinary courts. Took a broad definition of “property” and awarded compensation to the Jakun. Judgement upheld in the Court of Appeals (#509). [Bulan #151; Lim Heng Seng #570]
2. AHMAD b. Ismail. 1984. Komuniti Orang Asli di Kampung Bukit Tampoi, Sepang, Selangor: Tinjauan perbandingan sosiobudaya menurut Islam [Temuan community at Bkt. Tampoi: A socio-cultural comparison with Islam]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Islamic Studies Department, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
3. AHMAD EZANEE b. Mansoor. 1971. Kampong Sungai Mauk, Orang Asli Settlement, Mukim of Endau. (Shuichi Nagata, report supervisor; Colin Abraham, project leader). Pahang Tenggara Regional Masterplanning Study, Universiti Pulau Pinang, Pualu Pinang. 17 pp. Mimeographed. This appears to be the original of a chapter by the same author published 1982 in Microcosms of Malaysian settlement patterns: Case studies of indigenous development (Pahang Tenggara regional master plan) (Pulau Pinang: Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia).
4. ——. 1972. Kampong Lubok Legong: A Negrito resettlement village community in Kedah. Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang — basic ethnography on the population setup of the JHEOA-sponsored settlement, includes attention to how Orang Asli are viewed and treated by their Malay neighbours. [LTP]
5. AHMAD NASIR b. Abd. Rahman. 1988. Satu kajian etnografi: Agama dan ekonomi orang Semai—pembangunan ekonomi [An ethnographic study: Semai religion and economy—economic development]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
6. AHMAD SALLUDIN Yeop Mat Dali. 1974. Sistem kekeluargaan Orang Batek Sungai Cheka, Kuala Lipis, Pahang [Kinship system of the Batek Nong]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
7. AHMAD TAJUDDIN b. Mansoor. 1987. Report on Kampung Ulu Legong. Report submitted to Shuichi Nagata, 15/6/1987. Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
8. AIKEN, S. Robert. 1973. Images of nature in Swettenham’s early writings: A prolegomenon to a historical perspective on Peninsular Malaysia’s ecological problems. Asian Studies (Philippines) 11(3): 135–149 — an early recognition that environmental problems can fruitfully be historicized through the study of cultural perception. Central sources are the early writings of Swettenham, who on his Perak journeys encountered Senoi (“Sakeis”) and was impressed by their technical skill at agriculture. [LTP]

9. AIKEN, S. Robert, and Colin H. LEIGH. 1995. Vanishing rain forests: The ecological transition in Malaysia. Oxford: Oxford Biogeography Series no. 5, Clarendon — overviews the environmental impacts of development; critically analyses institutional problems in governmental policy and management. With a few pages on Orang Aslienvironmental relations. [LTP; ASB]
10. AIKEN, S. Robert, and M. MOSS. 1975. Man’s impact on the tropical rainforest of Peninsular Malaysia: A review. Biological Conservation 8: 213–229 — includes discussion of Orang Asli resource management practices. Argue that Orang Asli impact on the environment minimal compared to other forms of land use, that swidden cultivation reveals intimate environmental knowledge, and that Semang are indisputably rainforest authorities. [ASB]
11. AINSWORTH, Leopold. 1933. The confession of a planter in Malaya: A chronicle of life and adventure in the jungle. London: H.F. & G. Witherby — Ainsworth was one of the early rubber planters. A whole chapter of this book is on his experiences with Semai in the Teluk Intan area. Reveals a bit of Orang Asli life and of expatriate perceptions of them [CN]. Pp. 39–42 (not the Orang Asli portions) extracted in #399, pp. 191–194.
12. ALI M. A. Rachman. 1980. Energy utilization and social structure: An analysis of the Temuan Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia. M.A. thesis, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
13. ——. 1982. Energi, hari kerja dan hari pantang: Satu catatan kalendar ekologi Orang Asli di Semenanjung” [Energy, workday and taboo day: A note on the ecological calendar of Orang Asli in the Peninsula]. Manusia dan Masyarakat3: 80–84 — on Temuan.
14. ——. 1984. Pola organisasi kerja dan transformasi social: Analisa perbandingan khasnya mengenai masyarakat Kubu dan Temuan di Semenanjung [Patterns of work organization and social transformation: A comparative analysis focusing on Kubu and Temuan societies in the Peninsula]. Ph.D. diss., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
15. ——. 1991. “Social integration and energy utilization: An analysis of the Kubu Suku Terasing of Indonesia and the Temuan Orang Asli of Malaysia”. Pp. 311–332 in Profiles in cultural evolution: Papers from a conference in honor of Elman R. Service. Ed. A. Terry Rambo and Kathleen Gillogly. Ann Arbor, MI: Anthropological Papers no. 85, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan — sought to test Leslie White’s “law” stating that C=E x T (where C=cultural complexity, E=energy, and T=technological efficiency of energy use). Compares energy use in the Kubu Suku Terasing of Sumatra, representing a simple band level society, and the Temuan, representing a more complex tribal level. Finds that per capita energy use is actually higher among the Kubu than the Temuan, which is the opposite of White’s prediction. However, the share of energy expended on societal integrative activities is higher among the Temuan than the Kubu. [ATR]
16. ALIAS Mohd. Ali. 1977. Aktiviti “memburu-menghimpun” (hunting-gathering) di kalangan Orang Jahai Negrito di kawasan penempatan semula Orang-orang Asli di Pos Sungai Rual, Tanah Merah, Kelantan [Hunting-and-gathering activities among the Jahai]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — presents detailed information on income from the sale of forest products and considerable documentation of commercial relations with Malays. [#ATR]
17. ALLEN, Charles. 1990. The savage wars of peace: Soldiers’ voices 1945–1989. London: Futura — quotes soldiers who were involved in the British campaigns in Malaya, Borneo, Africa and Northern Ireland. The chapter on Malaya gives ground accounts of how the Emergency-era drive to win the hearts and minds of the Orang Asli was achieved. [CN]
18. AMRAN Kasimin. 1991. Religion and social change among the indigenous people of the Malay Peninsula. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka — attempts to trace the evolution of Malay culture up to Islamization, by examining cultural affinities with Orang Asli and how contact with immigrant societies have and have not changed the Malays. Flawed by problematic conceptual assumptions. Fieldwork with Orang Ulu (Jakun; four months) and Orang Laut (Orang Kuala; one month) of Johor was undertaken to identify those pre-Islamic elements of Malay culture and modes of life that were replaced with Islam. Contains some ethnographic materials. [LTP]
19. ANDAYA, Leonard Y. 1975. The kingdom of Johor, 1641–1728. Kuala Lumpur: OUP — on state formation; shows political importance of the coastal peoples (Orang Laut). Suggests that the relationship between Orang Laut and the Melaka-Johor sultanate dates back to the first millennia and at one point Orang Laut comprised at least a fourth of the sultanate’s military manpower. [Wazir #961]
20. ANDERSON, John. 1824. Political and commercial considerations relative to the Malayan Peninsula, and the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca. Prince of Wales Island: William Cox (printed under the authority of Government) — one of those books whose history may be more interesting than what it contains. Politically, this book was intended to, and apparently succeeded in, persuading the East India administration to take an anti-Siam stance with respect to Kedah; may be the first Orang Asli-related text that was accepted as evidence at a court trial (see Bastin’s introduction, pp. 6–7). Appendix 10 is on “Aboriginal inhabitants of the Malayan Peninsula, and particularly of the Negroes called Semang”; the main text has scattered mentions. Draws from published sources and some personal observations; mainly concerned with Semang of Perak and Kedah [LTP]. Parts reprinted 1854 and 1856 in JIA vol. 8, pp. 266–284, 365–372 and vol. 1 n.s., pp. 299–315. Pp. 1–82 of the book reprinted 1882 with changes in Frank Swettenham’s confidential report An account of the origin and progress of Siamese influence in the Malay Peninsula. Facsimile reprint 1965, with introd. John Bastin (Singapore: MBRAS); 2nd reprint 1989 (JMBRASvol. 35 no. 4).
21. ANG Guan Keat, et al. 1993. Satu kajian komuniti Temiar di Kemar, Gerik [A study of the Temiar community in Kemar, Grik]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
22. ANG Tat Oon, et al. 1993. Kajian etnografi masyarakat Temiar di Kampung Jarau Baru, RPS Kemar, Grik, Perak [Ethnographic study of the Temiar society in Kg. Jarau Baru]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
23. ANNANDALE, Nelson. 1906. Miscellanea ethnograhica. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 1 (supplement): i–iv.
24. ANNANDALE, Nelson, and H[erbert] C. ROBINSON. 1902. Some preliminary results of an expedition to the Malay Peninsula. JRAI 32: 407–417 — as the title suggests, a preview of material presented more fully in #71, with sketch map of the expedition’s route. Mostly on general ethnography of various Semang (Western Semang, Jahai, Semang of Thailand) and Sakai (Temiar and Jahai) groups; racial classification based on anthropometric data. [LTP]
25. ——. 1903. Fasciculi Malayenses: Anthropological and zoological results of an expedition to Perak and the Siamese Malay states, 1901–2; Anthropology, part I, with “Sakai notes” by Leonard Wray (#1000). New York: Longmans, Green & Co. for the University Press of Liverpool — reports from an expedition to follow up on the Cambridge Expedition of 1899–1900; includes material on the Semang of Trang, Thailand, and coastal Malays. Covers a range of ethnographic topics [LTP]. Reprinted 1904 (London: Williams & Norgate for the University Press of Liverpool); microfilm version 1974 (Singapore: Microfilm Services Department, Library, University of Singapore)
26. ANTARES (Kit Leee), BAHARUDIN Mohd. Arus & MAS Zeti Atan, eds. 2000. Asli: An exhibition of wood sculptures from the Anthony Ratos collection. Kuala Lumpur: Petronas — coffee table book to accompany the exhibition of Jah Hut and Mah Meri carvings held at the Petronas Gallery from April-June 2000. [CN]
27. ARIFFIN b. Nopiah. 1979. A brief introduction to the Orang Seletar of the Johor coast with special reference to Kampung Simpang Arang. Ed. Anthony R. Walker. Provisional research report no. 8, Social Anthropology Section, School of Comparative Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang — general description, displaying a nice critical eye. Topics covered include: history, population and distribution, language, physical appearance and dress, settlement patterns, economy, political organization, religion, and interaction with outsiders (including JHEOA and the Johor Sultanate). [LTP]
28. ASIAH Harun, and SURADI Sarmadi. 1978. The grounded Sea-Gypsies: A general ethnography of the Orang Seletar. Unpublished fieldwork exercise for Course SC306B. Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
29. ATIKAH Hj. Adom. 1974. Peringkat-peringkat dalam proses sosialisasi Orang Batek Sungai Ceka, Pahang [Stages in the socialization process of the Batek Nong of Sungai Ceka, Pahang]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

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