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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (40): Linguistics Abd-Bauer


Updated: Sep 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1328–1343

1251. ABDULLAH Hassan. 1969. Satu kajian fonologi-mofologi bahasa orang-orang Melayu Asli [A study of phonology and morphology in the language of Melayu Asli peoples]. M.A. thesis, Department of Malay Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — one of the few serious studies of Aboriginal Malay speech varieties and the only contemporary linguistic study of the Temuan. [GB; Baharon #91]
1252. ADAMS, Karen Lee. 1989. Systems of numeral classification in the Mon-Khmer, Nicobarese and Aslian subfamilies of Austroasiatic. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics — Aslian data form a central part of this general study. [NBur #1678]
1253. ADAMS, T. S. 1922. A vocabulary of Pangan. JSBRAS 85: 97–123 — collected 1916 from a young man of the Nenggiri group (since identified as Temiar) with whom Adams had stayed in 1914. The group was trading with Malays in forest products and made clearings on the foothills near the river. The informant(s) noted variations between lowland and highland vocabularies. [LTP]

1254. ADELAAR, K. Alexander. 1995. “Borneo as a cross-roads for comparative Austronesian linguistics”. Pp. 75–95 in The Austronesians: Historical and comparative perspectives. Edited by Peter Bellwood, et al. Canberra: Department of Anthropology (RSPAS), Australian National University — on the possibility of Aslian having been spoken in Sarawak. [GB]
1255. ANJANG Sadang b. Itam. 1982. Bahasa Semai Perak [Semai language of Perak]. Nong Pai 1: 83: 8 — language lessons.
1256. ——. 1982. Bahasa Semai Perak: Pelajaran sepuluh [Semai language of Perak: Lesson 10]. Nong Pai 2: 82: 24–29.
1257. ——. 1982. Bahasa Semai Perak: Pelajaran empat belas [Semai language of Perak: Lesson 14]. Nong Pai 4: 82: 22.
1258. ——. 1984. Semai and Temiar [Semai and Temiar]. Nong Pai 8: 84: 28–29 — language lessons.
1259. ——. 1985. Bahasa Semai Perak [Semai language of Perak]. Nong Pai 5: 81: 10–11 — language lessons.
1260. ——. 1985. Bahasa Semai: Hek bulih hajimat duit tenagaru. Nong Pai 2: 85: 12 — language lessons.
1261. ASMAH Hj. Omar. 1964. Bahasa Semang: Dialek Kentakbong. B.A. Hons. thesis, Department of Malay Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — perhaps the most comprehensive work to have been carried out on a Northern Aslian language [GB #1677; NBur #1678]. Earlier version submitted 1963 as research report to the Department of Malay Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
1262. ——. 1976. “The verb in Kentakbong”. Pp. 951–970 in Austroasiatic studies, part II. Ed. Philip N. Jenner, et al. Honolulu: UPH.
1263. BAER, Adela. 1973. Temuan-English-Malay word list (compiled in northern Selangor state). Unpublished MS., 105 pp. — on U. Serendah; level of accuracy variable. [ASB]
1264. BAUER, Christian. 1991. “Kensiw: A Northern Aslian language of Southern Thailand”. Pp. 310–335 in Preliminary report of excavations at Moh-Khiew Cave, Krabi Province, Sakai Cave, Trang Province and ethnoarchaeological research of a hunter-gatherer group, so-called “Sakai” or “Semang” at Trang Province. Ed. Surin Pookajorn and staff. Bangkok: Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University.
1265. ——. 1992. Aslian phonetic terminology. Orang Asli Studies Newsletter 10: 2 — clarifications on a few points raised in #1347. [LTP]
1266. ——. 1992. Mon-Aslian contacts. Bull. SOAS 55: 532–537.
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