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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (43): Linguistics J-W

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1397–1433


1251. JHEOA. 1982. Bahasa Semai Perak: Pelajaran sepuluh [Semai language of Perak: Lesson 10]. Nong Pai 1: 82: 16–22.
1252. ——. 1982. Bahasa Semai Perak: Pelajaran dua belas [Semai language of Perak: Lesson 12]. Nong Pai 3: 82: 18–19.
1253. ——. 1987. Belajar bahasa Temiar [Study Temiar language]. Nong Pai 1: 89: 16.
1254. ——. 1987. Belajar bahasa Temiar (cont.) [Study Temiar language]. Nong Pai 3: 89: 16.
1255. KÄHLER, Hans. 1946–1949. Ethnographische und linguistische Studien von den Orang Laut auf der Insel Rangsang an der Ostküste von Sumatra [Ethnographic and linguistic studies on the Orang Laut on Rangsang island on the east coast of Sumatra]. Anthropos 41–44: 1–31, 757–785 — fairly detailed grammar of Duano (Orang Kuala), with texts. So far, overlooked by almost all Austronesian specialists. [GB]
1256. ——. 1960. Ethnographische und linguistische Studien über die Orang Darat, Orang Akit, Orang Laut und Orang Utan im Riau-Archipel und auf den Inseln an der Ostküste von Sumatra [Ethnographic and linguistic studies on the Orang Darat, Orang Akit, Orang Laut and Orang Utan in the Riau Archipelago and on the islands off the east coast of Sumatra]. Berlin: Dietrich Riemer — ethnographic sketches and extended interlinear texts in the Jakun forms of Malay spoken south of Singapore; the most detailed Jakun linguistic studies so far. [GB]

1257. KRUSPE, Nicole. 1999. Semelai. Ph.D. thesis, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 726 pp. — a major study, and probably the most detailed account yet of any Mon-Khmer language; a model for further research. The grammar is equally balanced throughout as between meaning and structure; the two are always discussed together. The analyzed material is entirely from Semelai speakers’ own spontaneous utterances. [GB]
1258. LEWIS, M. Blanche. 1960. Moken texts and word-list: A provisional interpretation [=FMJ (n.s), vol. 4] — with a lot of scattered Aslian and Jakun material, indicating that their connections extended in the past into southern Burma and Thailand. [GB]
1259. LLOYD, R. J. 1921–1923. On the phonology of the Malay and Negrito dialects spoken in the Malay states of Lower Siam. Bull. SOSLI 2: 27–38 — on Jahai and Malay. Based on field recordings done on early wax-cylinder machines; uses IPA transcription. [GB]
1260. LONG ALANG Chukas. 1981. Bahasa Semai. Nong Pai 81: 14 — language lessons.
1261. LUERING, H. L. E. 1901. The Sakai dialect of the Ulu Kampar, Perak. JSBRAS 35: 91–104 — on Semai.


1262. MARSDEN, William. 1812. Grammar of the Malayan language, with an introduction and praxis. London: Longman — contains information on ethnic groups and their names [LTP]. Reprinted by Oxford UP.


1263. MATISOFF, James A. 1991. “Endangered languages of mainland Southeast Asia”. Pp. 189–228 in Endangered languages. Ed. R. Robins and E. Uhlenbeck. Oxford: Berg — discusses Aslian languages in Thailand and West Malaysia; a useful and detailed reading. [GB]
1264. ——. forthcoming. “Aslian: Mon-Khmer of the Malay Peninsula (Chapter 3)”. In Languages of mainland Southeast Asia. Cambridge: CUP — one of the most thorough attempts to summarise the present state of knowledge of Aslian languages; draws on the works of Asmah, Benjamin, Diffloth and others. Gives an in-depth account of the phonological, morphosyntactical, semantic and lexical characteristics of Aslian, paying special attention to those features that are regarded as peculiar to this branch of Mon-Khmer, notably its unusually rich morphology. [NBur]
1265. MCCARTHY, John J. 1982. “Prosodic templates, morphemic templates, and morphemic tiers”. Pp. 191–223 in The structure of phonological representations, part I. Ed. Harry van der Hulst and Norval Smith. Dordrecht: Foris Publications — secondary re-analysis of Temiar verb morphology. [GB]


1266. MEANS, Nathalie, and Paul B. MEANS. 1986. Sengoi-English, English-Sengoi dictionary. University of Toronto and York University: The Joint Centre on Modern East Asia — valuable for its definitions but with wayward transcription of Semai speech-sounds. [GB #1677]
1267. MEANS, Nathalie, with the assistance of Temiar collaborators ABUK Alang, ALEG B. Along, ANGEK Asoi, AHUD Duga, KAMARUDDIN, AWIN Pedik, HALIMAH Yunus, and ed. Gordon P. MEANS. 1999. Temiar-English, English-Temiar dictionary. St Paul, MN: Hamline University Press — represents the combined effort of a team of seven Temiar collaborators working with Nathalie Means over a period of almost a decade on a project to put the Temiar language into written form. . .provides full reference and definitions from Temiar to English and English to Temiar for over 2,600 Temiar root words and over 3,800 derivative words. [from the publicity blurb]


1268. MEANS, Paul B. 1977. A comparative linguistic study of three Malayan aboriginal tribes. JMBRAS 50(2): 48–68.
1269. NIK SAFIAH Karim, and TON bt. Ibrahim. 1979. Semaq Beri: Some preliminary remarks. JMBRAS 47: 123–129 — on phonology and grammar. [LTP]
1270. ——. 1979. “Semoq Beri: Some preliminary remarks”. Pp. 19–38 in #30 — overview of the language, focusing on phonology, morphology, and syntax and includes a word list. Data gathered from two resettlement villages, Kg. Sg. Kuching (Tembeling) and Kg. Paya Petai (east of Jerantut). [LTP]
1271. NOONE, H. D. 1939. Notes on the Benua Jakun language, spoken at Sungai Lenga, Ulu Muar, Johore. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 15(4): 139–162.


1272. PARKIN, Robert. 1991. A guide to Austroasiatic speakers and their languages. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press — linguistically unreliable in general, but a useful bibliographical source. [GB]


1273. PHAKPHIAN, Saowani. 1989. A phonological description of Tae-en Sakai (Trang Province). M.A. thesis, Silpakorn University, Bangkok. [in Thai]


1274. PINNOW, H.-J. 1959. Versuch einer historischen Lautlehre der Kharia-Sprache [Attempt at an historical phonology of the Kharia language]. Wiesbaden: Otto Harassowitz. — massive etymological study of a Munda language with much comparative Austroasiatic material, including Aslian. [GB]


1275. RAY, Sidney H. 1902. On a Sakai vocabulary supposed to have come from Borneo. Man [=JRAI] 2: 52–57 — clarifies the circumstances leading to the appearance of an Aslian word list in Ling Roth’s The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. The list was inadvertently included in the Roth book because it had been found among the Borneon papers of the deceased collector, Brooke Low. Low’s father, Hugh, agreed that the vocabulary was probably collected by his son while accompanying J. Errington de la Croix to the U. Plus in 1881. With a table comparing lists from Brooke Low, Croix and de Morgan (all visited the same area). [LTP]
1276. ROSS, A. N. 1939. A Benua vocabulary from Ulu Endau, Johore. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 15(4): 163–169.
1277. SAVAGE, H. E. 1926. A Pangan vocabulary. JMBRAS 4: 147–153 — collected 1923 from a group (since identified as Mendriq) camping near Sg. Belang (near the source of Sg. Sokor, Kelantan). At the time of Savage’s encounter they were collecting rattan and damar for two Malays who were also living in the camp. [LTP]
1278. SCHMIDT, P. Wilhelm. 1901. Die Sprachen der Sakei und Semang auf Malacca und ihr Verhältnis zu den Mon-Khmer-Sprachen [The languages of the Sakai and Semang in Malaya and their relationship to the Mon-Khmer languages]. BTTLV 8: 401–583 — Schmidt was one of the first to recognize that several of the minority languages in the Malay Peninsula might in some sense be related to Mon-Khmer; he made a detailed classification of Aslian based on vocabulary. Used the comparative method and laid the foundation for Mon-Khmer and Austroasiatic studies. [NBur #1678; GD #1383]
1279. ——. 1903. The Sakai and Semang languages in the Malay Peninsula and their relation to the Mon-Khmer languages (reviewed by W. D. Barnes). JSBRAS 39: 38–46. [see note for #1424]
1280. ——. 1905. Grundzuge einer Lautlehre der Mon-Khmer-Sprachen [Foundations of a phonology of the Mon-Khmer languages]. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akadamie der Wissenschaften in Wien Phi. Hist. Kl. III, vol. 52 (Vienna): 1–233. [see note for #1424]
1281. ——. 1906. Die Mon-Khmer-Völker, ein Bindeglied zwischen Völkern Zentralasiens und Austronesiens [The Mon-Khmer peoples: A connecting link between the peoples of Central Asia and Austronesia]. Archiv für Anthropologie 5 (Braunschweig): 59–109. [see note for #1424]
1282. SLOAN, Kelly. 1988. “Bare-consonant reduplication: Implications for a prosodic theory of reduplication [in Semai, Temiar and Kammu]”. Pp. 319–330 in Proceedings of the 7th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 1988. Ed. H. Borer. Irvine, CA: University of California, Cognitive Science Department and Linguistic Program.
1283. SWETTENHAM, (Sir) F[rank] A[thelstane]. 1880. Vocabulary of Ijok Semang. JSBRAS 5: 125–156 — on Kintaq.
1284. THONGKUM, Theraphan L. n.d. Ten’en wordlist. Unpublished typescript — as far as we can tell, the most significant source for Ten’en vocabulary. [LTP]
1285. van REIJN, E. O. 1975. Les emprunts du vieux-malais dans les dialectes autochthones de la péninsule Malaise et dans l’atchinois [Old Malay loans in the aboriginal dialects of the Malay Peninsula and Achinese]. Sari, occasional papers 1: 152–156 [Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Malay Language, Literature and Culture, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia] — gives examples, additional to those provided by C. O. Blagden, of an older layer of Austronesian loan words in Aslian. [GB]
1286. VOEGELIN, C. F., and F. M. VOEGELIN. 1966. Languages of the world: Indo-Pacific fascicle eight. Anthropological Linguistics 8 (part 4) — outdated classification. [GB]
1287. WILKINSON, R[ichard] J[ames]. 1915. “A vocabulary of Central Sakai: Dialect of the aboriginal communities in the Gopeng Valley”. In Papers on Malay subjects, Second series no. 3. Kuala Lumpur: Government Press — quite good word-list of Semai. [GB]
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