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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (46): Journalistic materials

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1551–1596

Journalistic materials: Media commentaries, newspaper and magazine reports and features

1920s (?). Les races humaines: Les types, les moeurs, les coutumes, ouvrage illustrée de plus de 400 splendides reproductions en noir et en couleurs [The races of humankind: Racial types, customs and culture, a work illustrated with over 400 wonderful pictures in black and white and colour]. 12 vols. Hachette & Cie (Hachette & Co.) — an undated series of paperback magazine-sized areal volumes published to subscribers on a weekly basis. The typography suggests the 1920s. Orang Asli materials are in vol. 2, Chapter 4: “Malais et Négritos (Malays and Negritos)” on pp. 47–60, “Presqu’île Malaise (The Malay Peninsula)” on pp. 56–60. “Négritos” here include Semai of Batang Padang. Photographs by E. J. Robertson and Low. With general remarks about way of life and topics like material culture, ritual, and music. [RKD]
1502. 1946. The population census problem. Utusan Melayu 5/12/1946 — part of the pre-Independence debate over how to classify the non-Malay indigenous groups. [LTP]
1503. 1948. [no title provided]. NST 26/8/1948 — cited in Leary #558 as reporting the sudden relocation of 180 “Sakai” in Perak to the Social Welfare Camp for the Destitute at Morib. Leary writes that this is the “first record I have been able to locate of the resettlement of the Orang Asli in the Emergency” (67 n.12). [LTP]
1504. 1949. [no title provided]. NST 9/12/1949 — cited in Leary #558 as reporting the reactions of the Pahang Chief Minister to the resettlement of 1500 Orang Asli (originally from U. Bertam and Sg. Jelai) at Bkt. Betong. [LTP]
1505. 1950. Malayan Pigmies face extinction: Forced into the jungle. MM 15/2/1950 — reports P. D. R. Williams-Hunt’s speech to the Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur, where he outlined some proposals for the assimilation and development of the Orang Asli [LTP]. A shorter report of the same speech: “They hate to be called ‘Sakais’” (NST 16/2//1950). Both articles reproduced in #688.
1506. 1953. [no title provided]. NST 16/6/1953 — cited in Leary #558, as an editorial/obituary assessing the work of P. D. R. Williams-Hunt and the difficulties he faced securing funds for Orang Asli administration and for anthropological research. [LTP]
1507. 1953. Sakais to get a new friend. NST 13/10/1953 — annnounces the appointment of John Blacking, a young anthropologist, to the post of Adviser on Aborigines (succeeding P. D. R. Williams-Hunt) [LTP]. Reproduced in #688.
1508. 1953. The new “friend” gets the sack. NST 2/11/1953 — announcing John Blacking’s dismissal as the Adviser on Aborigines [LTP]. Reproduced in #688.
1509. 1957. Aborigine named a Federal Councillor. SS 7/8/1957 — reporting appointment of Pandak Hamid, a Temiar leader from Korbu, to represent Orang Asli in the Federal Legislative Council—apparently the first ever Orang Asli to be so appointed [LTP]. Related stories: “Cheery” welcome for the first aborigine member (SS 15/8/1957); New Councillor almost refused job (MM 15/8/1957); “My first task—to tell my folk of Merdeka” (NST 15/8/1957). Stories reproduced in #688.
1510. 1997. Dilema remaja pribumi [Dilemmas of indigenous teenagers]. Remaja June: 52–57 — on Bkt. Lanjan Temuan.
1511. 2001. JHEOL [sic] placed under Rural Development Ministry: Move to meet the changing needs of the Orang Asli community: Azmi. The Sun 26/1/2001 — announces the most recent bureaucratic reshuffling of the JHEOA. In 1995 the department was moved from the Ministry of Rural Development to the Ministry of National Unity and Social Development; now, in 2001, the department is “returned” to its former Ministerial home [LTP]. Related story: “Orang Asli dept move welcomed by community” (The Sun 27/1/01).
1512. 2001. Rancangan tanah Orang Asli Pahang dimajukan [Orang Asli land programmes in Pahang improved]. Berita Minggu 28/1/01 — part of a recent series of moves by some (but not all) state governments to publicly declare affirmation of Orang Asli land needs. [LTP]
1513. ARUN, K. C. 1956. Aborigine unit may be called in to fight Reds. SS 15/9/1956 — an early announcement of plans to form what became the Senoi Pra’aq, here provisionally described as a “‘Temiar squadron’ of veteran sharp-shooting aborigines” [LTP]. Reproduced in #688.
1514. BAHAROM Mahusin, and NAZERI Nong Samah. 1999. Memodenkan Orang Asli [Modernising the Orang Asli]. Mingguan Malaysia30/5/1999.
1515. BAISTROCCHI, M. 1966. Primitive wood carvings of Malaysia. Arts of Asia XI (n.s.): 1–25 — on Jah Hut.
1516. BLACKING, John. 1953. Aborigines must be set free from Reds. MM 2/11/1953.
1517. CHIA, Harry. 1956. A flying visit to the jungle forts. SS 4/8/1956 — brief sketches of: F. Shean (Semai; Cameron Highlands, Perak); F. Dixon (Semai; Jelai, Pahang); F. Telanok (Temiar; Bertam, Kelantan) [LTP]. Reproduced in #688.
1518. de BONDY, Vicomte. 1938. With the Sakai of Malaya. Crown Colonist 8, March.
1519. FAGG, William. 1953. Obituary. Mr. P. D. R. Williams-Hunt: Devoted worker among Malayan aborigines. The Times of London 16/6/1953 — obituary by the Honorary Secretary of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Commended Williams-Hunt’s matchless talents for obtaining the Orang Asli’s confidence and for developing “methods and techniques more rigorous in many ways than those in common use by anthropologists today”. Commented on the difficulty, but necessity, of finding a new Adviser with comparable skill [LTP]. Reproduced partially in #688.
1520. FARADAY, Ann, and John WREN-LEWIS. 1984. Temiar dreaming. Dream Net. Bull. 2, August.
1521. GLENTON, Robert. 1953. The man from Maidenhead and his jungle wife. Sunday Express (London) 21/6/1953 — on P. D. R. Williams-Hunt and his family. [RKD]
1522. FORMAN, Harrison. 1957. The Sakais of Malaya. Natural History January: 28–31 — little text, good photographs. [ASB]
1523. HUSEIN Mat Omar, C. SIVASHANMUGAM, and HALIMATON Ibrahim. 1991. Perjuangan kaum asli untuk tanah [Indigenous peoples’ fight for land]. Utusan Pengguna December: 19.
1524. FUNG, Jojo M. [=FUNG Jee Vui]. 1998. A budding Asli faith. Catholic Asian News August: 4–7.
1525. LEONG Kar Yen. 2000. Orang Asli protest destruction of their land. ( 19/9/2000 — more than 300 Semelai staged a peaceful demonstration outside the Bera District Office on Tuesday to protest against the destruction of their crops and their discontent with the authorities. [extract]
1526. MANSUR Abdullah, M. 1985. Islam dan Orang Asli [Islam and the Orang Asli]. Dewan Masyarakat February: 20–21.

1527. MOHD. ZUKI Pileh. 1997. Pos Dipang. Massa, May: 23–29 — among the press coverage of the tragedy at Pos Dipang, when Semai residents were swept away by disastrous floods (see #503). [LTP]
1528. MOSS, Peter. 1964. The white aborigine. The Sunday Mail (London) 26/7/1964: 4 — on Anthony Williams-Hunt. [RKD]
1529. NICHOLAS, Colin. 1996. The original champion (a tribute to Dr. Tan Chee Khoon). AM 16(8): 28–30 — on the former Opposition Leader who highlighted the plight and marginalized position of the Orang Asli in the 1970s and 1980s and was among the earliest national leaders to do so. [CN]
1530. ——. 1997. Medicines are for curing, not killing. AM 17(3): 7–8 — on the death of Jah Hut children at Sg. Seboi after being prescribed the wrong malarial prophylactics by medical staffers. [LTP]
1531. ——. 1999. Orang Asli independent candidate set to cause an upset. Press Release, 29/11/1999. COAC, Subang Jaya, Selangor — analysis of support for the Orang Asli candidate (for state constituency of N2-Jelai in Pahang) in the 1999 general elections. [LTP]
1532. ——. 1999. Orang Asli candidate loses heavily after campaign blitz by BN. Press Release, Nov 29. COAC, Subang Jaya, Selangor.
1533. ——. 1999. Orang Asli suing for loss of land. Press Release, 4/2/1999. COAC, Subang Jaya, Selangor — reports on civil suit launched by seven Temuan (of Bkt. Tampoi, Sepang) to obtain compensation for the loss of land and dwellings acquired for the new international airport; the suit names as defendants the Selangor Government, United Engineers (M) Sdn. Bhd., Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia and the Federal Government. [LTP]
1534. ——. 2000. Comment on: Datuk Rais Yatim’s assertion in The Sun of 1.5.00 that “Orang Asli [are] never left out”. Press Release, 1/5/2000. COAC, Subang Jaya, Selangor — argues that, by giving the impression the government does its best to provide for Orang Asli and that failure of development plans is due to Orang Asli attitude and behavior, the government “absolve[s] itself for its share of the blame for the depressed situation of the Orang Asli”. [LTP]
1535. ——. 2000. Orang Asli update. COAC, Subang Jaya, Selangor — explains why and how UMNO and the National Front solicited support of Orang Asli voters in the 1999 general elections, and other critical political events of the year [LTP]. Discussion incorporated into CN #684. Reprinted in IWGIA Yearbook 2000.
1536. RANDALL, A. 1953. The terrible truth of the Temiar Senoi. Dream Net. Bull. February.
1537. ROSEMAN, Marina. 1989. Southeast Asia: Forest spirits and songs. Faces (American Museum of Natural History) V (X): 30–33. [probably on Temiar]
1538. SIBBALD, A. 1917. Jacoons: An aboriginal tribe of the Malay Peninsula. Scientific American Supplement 83: 297+.
1539. SULAIMAN Masri. 1978. Senoi Praaq: Orang perang Orang Asli [Senoi Pra’aq: Orang Asli men of war]. Dewan Masyarakat 16(2), 15/2/1978: 12–14.
1540. TAN Chee Beng. 1985. Show more concern for the Orang Asli. AM 5: 25–26 — statement in support of the Mah Meri of Carey Isl. for land to plant kayu nireh batu, the tree from whose wood is used for carving, and comment on the social and ecological impact of the oil palm estate on the island. [TCB]
1541. ——. 1989. Distorted view of the Orang Asli. AM 9: 34 — comment on a Chinese newspaper report about cannibalism among an Orang Asli family. [TCB]
1542. ——. 1993. Indigenousness: A question of politics and social justice. AM 13: 24–27.
1543. TSURUOKA, Doug. 1991. Letter from Port Klang. Far Eastern Economic Review 20/6/1991: 74–75 — briefly describes Mah Meri crab fishers’ problems, including rape and childhood malnutrition. [ASB]
1544. VOGT, Christian. 1995. A friend of the Batek. AM 15: 30–33 — explains the circumstances and conditions of his fieldwork with the Batek that led to the accusation that he had “instigated” the people to demand their rights from the Taman Negara (tourism) Resort. [LTP]
1545. WILLIAMS-HUNT, Anthony, and HASAN Mat Nor. 1994. Crisis for the Orang Asli: The need for a new deal. 2020 July/August: 16–20.
1546. WILLIAMS-HUNT, P. D. R. 1950. Evacuating aboriginal communities. Malayan Police Magazine 2(3).
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