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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (51): Bibliographies

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1682–1695

Part 3. Information Guides


1601. BAER, A[dela] S. 1982. Bibliography of enzyme (and some other) genetic polymorphisms in Southeast Asia. California Association of Criminalists Newsletter June: 7–12. Archived at the Keene State College Orang Asli Archive.
1602. BISHOP, Nancy M., and Mary M. PETERSON. 1994. Kensiw glossary. MKS 23: 163–195.
1603. ——. 1995. A selective Aslian bibliography. MKS 24: 161–169 — all the pertinent references to Orang Asli materials have been incorporated here.

1604. BONTA, B. 1993. Peaceful peoples: An annotated bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow — references, with editorial commentary, a few of the better known Batek, Chewong, Semai, and Temiar studies on the topic. A romantic approach [LTP]. See also Bonta’s “Conflict resolution among peaceful societies: The culture of peacefulness” (Journal of Peace Research 33[4]: 403–420, 1996) which compares Senoi with 23 other peoples.
1605. CORFIELD, Justin. 1990. A comprehensive bibliography of literature relating to the Orang Asli of West Malaysia. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Working Paper no. 61, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University — contains an extensive list of earlier newspaper and magazine articles. Many “forthcoming” or “in prep.” studies listed here have not been published. [LTP]
1606. ENDICOTT, Kirk, ed. 1992. Orang Asli studies group directory. With lists of writings, research interests, and contact details of Orang Asli specialists. September 1992. Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH — the published studies listed in this directory have been fully incorporated into this bibliography. [LTP]
1607. HOOD Salleh. 1993. “Senarai hasil kajian mengenai Orang Asli 1824–1980” [List of Orang Asli studies 1824–1980]. Pp. 40–67 in Mereka yang terpinggir: Masyarakat terasing di Indonesia dan Orang Asli di Malaysia. Ed. Hood Salleh, et al. Bangi, Selangor: Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1608. HOOD Salleh, ed. 1986. Orang Asli sebagai bahan berita, 1974–1986 [Orang Asli as news, 1974–1986]. Unpublished checklist of newspaper references to Orang Asli. Kumpulan Pengajian Orang Asli, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor — useful bibliographical document. [GB #1677]
1609. HUFFMAN, Franklin E. 1986. Bibliography and index of Mainland Southeast Asian languages and linguistics. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press — includes quite a few references to work on Aslian languages. [NBur #1678]
1610. KIEW, Ruth, and Kay LYONS, eds. 1992. Annotated bibliography: Malayan Nature Journal 1940–1990 and Malayan Naturalist 1974–1990[=MNJ vol. 44 Parts 3 & 4]. Selangor: Malayan Nature Society — useful and comprehensive listing of roughly 2000 articles. For Orang Asli materials, the most directly relevant sections are “anthropology and archaeology” and the alphabetically arranged “places” where might be found articles on biological aspects of traditional Orang Asli territories. Obviously relevant references have been incorporated here. [LTP]

1611. LIM Pui Huen, Patricia. 1986. The Malay world of Southeast Asia: A select cultural bibliography. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies — general bibliography, includes a few references on Orang Asli and related peoples; pertinent ones have been incorporated here. [LTP]
1612. PERPUTAKAAN UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA. 1977. Orang Asli Malaysia dan kumpulan-kumpulan serumpun di Asia Tenggara [Malaysian aborigines and related groups in Southeast Asia]. Bibliografi Kebudayaan Melayu Jilid 9, 175 pp. Perpustakaan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur — published in conjunction with a conference on Orang Asli being held then. Includes references to other indigenous groups in Sabah and Sarawak and some older references to Orang Asli; arranged according to topics and contains a lot of duplication; an excellent source. [GB; CN]
1613. SHORTO, H. L., Judith M. JACOB, and E. H. S. SIMMONDS. 1963. Bibliographies of Mon-Khmer and Tai linguistics. London: OUP — lacks references to the more modern developments in Aslian linguistics. [NBur #1678]
1614. TEH, K. H. 1983. Tradition and medicine in Malaysia: A bibliography of popular folk beliefs, superstitions, and indigenous practices pertaining to health, diseases, nutrition and related medical subjects. University of Malaya Library, Kuala Lumpur.
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