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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (53): Newsletters and News Bulletins

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1704–1712

Part 4. Newsletters and News Bulletins

1601. BERITA POASM. Newsletter of the Persatuan Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia (POASM), published since October 1989.
1602. NONG PAI. Newsletter/magazine published by the Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Orang Asli, Kuala Lumpur — other than the articles on language lessons listed in the Linguistics section, pertinent articles include: “Profail Orang Asli suku kaum Kensiu Kampong Orang Asli Lubok Legong, Baling” [Profile of the Kensiu at Kg. Lubok Legong], 5 (1981): 6–7 by HUSNEI Redza Hj. Daud; “Lubuk Legong: Menanti sebuah kehidupan yang ‘realistik’ [Lubuk Legong: Waiting for a “realistic” life], 2 (1986): 20 by J. A. M. KELANTAN; “Penempatan dan pembahagian suku kaum Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia” [Location and ethnic groupings of the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia], 1 (1987): 19 by JHEOA; “Suku kaum Mendriq Kg Kuala Lah, Bertam Baru, Kelantan” [The Mendriq of Kg. K. Lah], 1 (1981): 6–9 by KHALID B. A. Rahman.

1603. ORANG ASLI STUDIES NEWSLETTER. Privately distributed research bulletin edited by Kirk ENDICOTT, 1982–1995; 12 numbers. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH — with research news and announcements, and articles of methodological interest, including Benjamin (#1347) on linguistic fieldwork, Fix on the collection and analysis of demographic data, and Benjamin Stone on how to collect, process, and preserve Orang Asli plants. For bibliographies, see KME #1686. [LTP]

1604. PERNLOI GAH. Newsletter published by the Center for Orang Asli Concerns, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. English version ran from December 1990 to March 1993; Malay version from April 1991 to December 1993 — reported on pressing social and political problems of Orang Asli, including important political events. Based on investigative journalism [LTP]. A selection of articles: “Bulldozed: Orang Asli church in Selangor”, vol. 1: 8–10 (1990), by LOH Kee Wey and CN; “Winning over the Orang Asli once again: Orang Asli and the 1990 elections”, vol. 1: 1–4 (1990), and “Orang Asli and development: Chased away for a runway”, vol. 4: 10–13 (1991), by CN.
1605. WACANA. News magazine published in the course of the Asian Wetlands Bureau project in the Tasek Bera Ramsar site by Wetlands International-Asia Pacific; circa 1997 onwards — with articles on the Semelai and efforts to promote participatory management of the site [LTP]. A selection of articles: “Masalah dalam pertanian pindah” [Problems in shifting cultivation] and “Pertanian pindah dan kesannya terhadap usaha pemuliharaan Tasek Bera” [The effects of shifting cultivation on efforts to rehabilitate T. Bera], May 1998: 3–6, by CHE AZIZ Che Noh; “Meninjau pendidikan Orang Semelai di Tasek Bera” [Looking at the education of Semelai in T. Bera], October 1997: 16–17, by Hj. JAILANI b. Ludin; “Tasek Bera—Alam kita, kosmos kita” [T. Bera: Our environment, our cosmos], January 1999: 11, by ROMELI Dollah; “Proses rundingan bersama penduduk Semelai” [The process of consulting the Semelai], May 1998: 10–11, “Penglibatan penduduk Semelai dalam pelancongan—pelan projek” [Involvement of the Semelai in tourism: Project plan], January 1999: 10, and “Projek perintis program pembangunan komuniti” [Pilot project of the community development programme], January 1999: 6, by ZAITON Surut.
1606. NICHOLAS, Colin. 1991. Social losers: The Orang Asli of Peninsula Malaysia. COAC, Petaling Jaya, Selangor — outlines conditions of, and explanations for, the poor socio-economic status of Orang Asli today. [LTP]
1607. ——. 1991. Orang Asli and human rights. Centre for Orang Asli Concerns, Kuala Lumpur. Reprints and translations of this bulletin have appeared in various local Malay and Chinese publications and issue no. 1 of the 1992 Newsletter of the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen.
1608. ——. 1992. Orang Asli swiddeners: Scapegoats for forest destruction. COAC, Petaling Jaya, Selangor — critique of the governmental tendency to identify Orang Asli swiddeners (shifting cultivators) as prime destroyers of the environment [LTP]. Reprinted 1992 as “Shifting the blame: Orang Asli swiddeners”.
1609. ——. 1993. The Jeli incident. COAC, Petaling Jaya, Selangor — appeal letter publicizing the incident of Jahai whose retaliation against Malays encroaching on their territory resulted in the deaths of three Malays [LTP]. Reprinted 1993 in AM.
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