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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (54): Late insertions


From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1713–1715

Late insertion

The following were received after this manuscript went to press and have not been indexed for topics:

1601. RAZHA Rashid and WAZIR Jahan Karim, eds. 2001. Minority cultures of Peninsular Malaysia: Survivals of indigenous heritage. Penang: Academy of Social Sciences (AKASS) — List of papers: “Prologue” by RAZHA Rashid and WAZIR Jahan Karim; “Constructing emotions and world of the Orang Asli” by WAZIR Jahan Karim; “Genetic studies on the Orang Asli” by Adela BAER; “Material culture as technological transformation: The Ma’ Betise’ and Kintak Bong” by WAZIR Jahan Karim and RAZHA Rashid; “Development, modernity and the Orang Asli” by RAZHA Rashid; “Minorities of the minority: Language death and patterns of cultural extinction” by WAZIR Jahan Karim; “Linguistic aspects of the Semang” by Niclas BURENHULT; “Sociolinguistic aspects of Northern Aslian languages: A case study of Kensiw (Baansakai, Yala, Thailand)” by Nancy McAllistar BISHOP; “Orang Asli languages: From heritage to death” by Geoffrey BENJAMIN; “Process and structure in Temiar social organisation” by Geoffrey BENJAMIN; “Cultural resilience in encountering ‘development’: The case of the Chewong of Central Pahang” by Signe HOWELL; “Environmental economics and the Ma’ Betise’ in mangrove rainforests” by WAZIR Jahan Karim; “Semai-Malay ethnobotany: Hindu influences on the trade in sacred plants, ho hiang” by Robert Knox DENTAN.
1602. CHRISTENSEN, Hanne. 2000. Ethnobotany of the Orang Asli of Krau Wildlife Reserve. Report submitted to DANCED/Perhilitan, August 2000 — consultant report on Chewong produced as part of current efforts to raise the status of the Wildlife Reserve to that of a national park. One of the better developments in Orang Asli ecology in recent years, undertaken by a professional botanist. [LTP]
1603. NICHOLAS, Colin. 1997. Stealing stories: Communication and indigenous autonomy. Media Development 3/97 — on outside appropriation of Orang Asli cultural resources. [LTP]

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