References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (8): Bible Societies to Bulan
Updated: Aug 29, 2023
From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 127–151
1. BIBLE SOCIETIES IN MALAYA. 1962. Gah selamat du ki-tulis ya Bah Markus [St. Mark’s Gospel in Semai] — unreliable transcription, but probably still circulating among Lutheran Semai. [GB]
2. BIGANDET, P. 1849. [no title given]. N. Ann. de la propagation de la Foi vol. 1: 80-88 — cited in #Skagden for information on Jakun huts, among other issues. [LTP]
3. BILES, Howard F. 1954. Notes and Queries: A Semai method of tiger elimination. Malayan Historical Journal 1(2): 147.
4. ——. 1955. Notes and Queries: A Jakun folk tale. Malayan Historical Journal 2(1), July: 76.
5. BINNIE AND PARTNERS. 1990. Linggiu Reservoir Project: EIA Report, vol. 1. Public Utilities Board, Singapore— this EIA for the Sg. Linggiu dam, which displaced Jakun, claimed that the catchment area was totally uninhabited.[CN #684]
6. BIRCH, J. W. W. 1882. Letter to the Secretary for Native States. Pp. 6–8 in Correspondence respecting slavery in the Protected Malay States. Parliamentary Command Paper C.3285 — cited in KME #303 for information on Malay slavery of Orang Asli. [LTP]
7. BIRD, Isabella L. 1883. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither. London: John Murray — probably the best known of the early travel accounts; by one of the most celebrated women travellers of the 19th century. Includes some assumptions and observations of Orang Asli and their relations with Malays, particularly slavery. Appendices A, B and C are on debt-slavery [LTP; CN #684]. Reprinted by OUP (Kuala Lumpur) in 1967 and then, in 1980, as The Golden Chersonese: Travels in Malaya in 1879. Selections from the original version (not the Orang Asli portions) extracted in #399.
8. BLAGDEN, C[harles] O[tto]. 1917. Memorandum on the aborigines in the Jasin District of Malacca, dated 1892. JSBRAS 77: 177–180.
9. BLUST, Robert. 1981. Linguistic evidence for some early Austronesian taboos. Am. Anthro. 83: 285–319 — etymology-based explanation for the geographical distribution of various elements of the thunder-related complex (including prohibitions on the mockery of animals and the blood sacrifice), in terms of patterns of knowledge invention and diffusion. Includes some material on Orang Asli (Semang and Senoi). [LTP]
10. BOATWRIGHT, D. 1983. A visit with the Temiar, notes from a Malaysian diary on dream-tribes. Dreamworks 3(2): 84–88.
11. BORIE, H. [=Pere Bourien]. 1865. On the wild tribes of the interior of the Malay Peninsula. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 3: 72–83 — according to notes in #139, this was an early translation (without attribution to source) of the author’s 1861 article in Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde vol. 10, pp. 413–443, and subsequently expanded as #139. [LTP]
12. ——. 1886. La Presqu’île de Malacca, les Malais et les sauvages [The Malay Peninsula, the Malays and the savages]. Tulle.
13. ——. 1887. “An account of the Mantras, a savage tribe in the Malay Peninsula”. Pp. 286–307 in Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China and the Indian archipelago, vol. 1. Reprinted for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Second series. London: Trübner and Hill, Ludgate Hill — a well-consulted article. Borie was among those who theorized that Malaysian indigenes were related to “the yellow race of Oceania”; he acknowledges them as the aboriginal population of the Peninsula. Mantra (Temuan) were the first to be missionized and the only group which Borie personally studied. A standard ethnographic account with a comparative vocabulary. The final portion is on missionizing activities by Borie, in company with Favre, and their successors [LTP]. Translation, with omissions, of the author’s article in Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde X (1861), pp. 413–443.
14. BOTTOMS, J. C. 1954. A note on the origins of a Malay kampong on the Pahang River. Malayan Historical Journal1(1): 49–50 — the village (Kg. K. Tekal in Temerloh) was apparently of mixed Orang Asli and Malay origins, as cited in Dodge #278.
15. BOZZOLO, C[arlo] F[erdinando]. 1889. Abstract of a journal kept by Mr. C. F. Bozzolo, magistrate and collector, upper Perak, during his exploration of the pass into Kelantan by the Plus valley, C.O. 273/157, 31/1/1889. Enclosed in Confidential Despatch, Governor Straits Settlements to Secretary of State for the Colonies — Bozzolo was the District Officer of Up. Perak. A detailed document with information on Jahai, Temiar, and other groups in southern Thailand and northern Perak and Kelantan [GB]. Another part of the same despatch (not the Orang Asli portions) extracted in #399, pp. 136–140.
16. BRAASEM, W. A. 1952. Woudzangen. Amsterdam: C. P. J. van der Peet — folk poetry/songs of the Semang and Besisi races, in Dutch translation. [notation from the WorldCat abstract]
17. BRADDELL, (Dato Sir) Roland St. John. 1980. A study of ancient times in the Malay Peninsula and the Straits of Malacca and notes on ancient times in Malaya, with “Notes on the historical geography of Malaya” by F. W. Douglas. Kuala Lumpur: MBRAS — an anthropological study; discusses early populations. Argues that Orang Asli are descended from the earliest people in the Peninsula [CN]. Reprinted 1989 (MBRAS reprint no. 7).
18. BRADLEY, (Capt.) J. 1876. Travel and sport in Burmah, Siam, and Malay [sic] — Skeat describes him as a “bad observer from a scientific point of view”; e.g., Bradley was among those who claimed that the aborigines he met wore no clothes. Includes one of the earliest accounts of tree-top shelters. [#Skagden]
19. BRAU de St.-Pol Lias. 1882. Sur la Rivière Pluss, interiéur de la presqu’île Malaise [On the Plus River, interior of the Malay Peninsula]. Nouvelle Revue June.
20. ——. 1883. Pérak et les Orangs-sakeys [Perak and the Orang Sakai]. Paris: Plon — half the book is on Temiar and half on Malays. [GB]
21. BRÄULEIN, Peter. 1984. Das “Traum-leben” der Senoi (Malaysia): Inspirative erfahrung und gemeinschaftspragende kraft [The “dream-life” of the Senoi: Inspired experience and societally imprinted power]. M.A. thesis, Department of Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau — on Senoi Dream Therapy, from the perspective of a psychologist.
22. BROWNE, F. G. 1933. Sakai plant names. Mal. For. 1: 142–145 — identifications by Semai collaborators at Trolak Forest Reserve; method of identification undetermined. [Dentan & Ong #275]
23. BRUGUIÈRE, J. L. 1976. The Temiar use of natural environment. Paris: Université René Descartes, Paris V. [type of publication unclear; possibly a thesis]
24. ——. 1986. Quelques techniques halieutiques chez les Temiar de Malaisie [Some fishing techniques among the Temiar of Malaysia]. JATBA XXXIII: 11–27.
25. BULAN, Ramy. 2000. “Adong bin Kuwau v. Kerajaan Negeri Johor: One step forward: Two steps backwards for Native Title”. Pp. 262–277 in Borneo 2000: Environment, conservation and land [=Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo Research Conference]. Ed. Michael Leigh. Kuching, Sarawak: Institute of East Asian Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak — discusses problems arising from the judgements on the Jakun Sg. Linggiu land/dam case (#47, #509), especially in terms of statutory provisions for recognizing indigenous rights to land, life, and property. A provocative study that points to problems caused by awarding monetary compensation only on the basis of loss of livelihoods, in view of the broader connections between land, identity, and autonomy that are recognized by indigenous communities like the Jakun and the Natives of Sarawak. [LTP]