From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 152–164
1. BULBECK, F. David. 1981. Continuities in Southeast Asian evolution since the Late Pleistocene. M.Sc. thesis, Australian National University, Canberra — anthropometric measurements of skeletal remains, etc. [ASB]
2. ——. 1982. A reevaluation of possible evolutionary processes in Southeast Asia since the Late Pleistocene. BIPPA 3: 1–21 — based on skeletal remains in West Malaysia dating to 3,000–10,000 years ago; ancient Malaysians were taller than today’s Semai and Malaysian hunter-gatherer peoples. [ASB]
3. ——. 1996. Holocene biological evolution of the Malay Peninsula aborigines (Orang Asli). Perspectives in Human Biology 2: 37–61.
4. ——. 1998. Origins of civilization in West Malaysia and the Orang Asli. Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia 11: 95–99 — shows a significant overlap between Aslian language areas and first millenium AD artefacts, but mainly in coastal locations. [ASB]
5. ——. 1999. Current biological anthropological research on Southeast Asia’s Negritos. SPAFA Journal 9(2), May-August: 15–22 — review of explanations for the physical characteristics of Negrito populations, including Semang, and their geographic distribution [LTP]. Journal published by SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts, Bangkok.
6. ——. 2000. Dental morphology at Gua Cha, West Malaysia, and the implications for “Sundadonty”. BIPPA 19: 17–41 — argues that any substantial immigration into the Peninsula, associated with establishing the gene pool of any “Orang Asli” aboriginal group or the Malays, would either have occurred far away from Gua Cha or would have postdated the Neolithic. [extract]
7. BURHANUDDIN b. Jalal. 1987. Bahagian A: Sosio-ekonomi masyarakat Semai Redang Punggur, Hilir Perak. Bahagian B: Agama dan sistem kepercayaan masyarakat Semai dan persepsi mereka terhadap agama baru [Part A: Socio-economics of Semai society. Part B: Religion and belief systems of the Semai and their perceptions of new religions]. Laporan Kerja-lapang. Jabatan Antropologi dan Sosiologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
8. BURKILL, I. H. 1935. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives — an essential guide to the ethnoscience and environmental relations of the Orang Asli. Arranged according to Linnaean taxonomy, supplemented with local (Malay and Orang Asli) names and locations wherever possible. [LTP]

9. BURKILL, I. H., and MOHD. HANIFF. 1930. Malay village medicine. The Garden’s Bulletin, Straits Settlements6(2): 167–282 — includes some information on Orang Asli ethnobotany. [RKD]
10. BUSTAMI Yahya. 1980. Sistem kekeluargaan dan perkahwinan di kalangan komuniti Temuan Kampung Bukit Tadom, Banting, Kuala Langat, Selangor [Kinship and marriage among the Temuan community of Bkt. Tadom, Banting]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
11. CAMERON, John. 1865. Our tropical possessions in Malayan India: Being a descriptive account of Singapore, Penang, Province Wellesley, and Malacca; their peoples, products, commerce, and government. London: Smith, Elder and Co — includes description of “silent trade”, whereby payment (by a Tumongong of Johor) to aborigines for cutting a road was left at a designated point, to be collected at night when the Malays were no longer about [SN]. Reprinted 1965, with introd. Wang Gungwu (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints, OUP).
12. CAMPBELL, J. A. G. 1887. The Sakais of Selangor, Ulu Langat. Government report reprinted in Sel. J. 3(15): 240–245 — includes information on blowpipe-shooting. [#Skagden]
