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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (5c): Baer to Barnard

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 86–100

11. BAER, A[dela] S., and Kirk ENDICOTT. 2001. Orang Asli at odds with the nation-state. CSQ 25 (summer): 79 — short review of the Temuan of Bkt. Tampoi’s civil suit (see #1583). [ASB]
12. BAHARON Azhar b. Raffie’i. 1964. An Orang Asli legend: “Putri Buloh Betong”. FMJ (n.s.) 9: 39–44.
13. ——. 1966. Engku’—spirit of thunder. FMJ (n.s.) 11: 34–37 — brief presentation of various Temiar stories and thunder-related beliefs, without analysis. [LTP]
14. ——. 1973. Parit Gong: An Orang Asli community in transition. Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University, Cambridge.
15. ——. 1979. “Research on the Orang Asli and its relevance to the Department of Orang Asli affairs”. Pp. 183–208 in#30 — summarises local and foreign research since 1961, outlining what JHEOA’s goals and objectives are, procedures for doing research, and the kinds of information the Department needs. With an Appendix listing projects by independent researchers. [LTP]
16. ——. 1983. “The Temuans of Melaka”. Pp. 3–29 in Melaka: The transformation of a Malay capital c. 1400–1980, vol. 2. Ed. Kernial Singh Sandhu and Paul Wheatley. Kuala Lumpur: OUP — an ethnographic summary; includes brief information on oral history, older names of the people. Covers general topics of social organization, leadership & headmanship, relations with the government, economy, organization of labour, concepts of land, economic commodification, assimilation, missionization, government programmes. [LTP]
17. ——. 1986. “The Temuans and the wider society: Integration and assimilation”. Pp. 52–64 in The nascent Malaysian society: Developments, trends and problems. Ed. H. M. Dahlan. Bangi, Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia — analyzes the assimilation process among Temuan of Parit Gong, as initiated by government programmes [LTP]. Original ed. 1976.
18. ——. 1986. Some aspects of the relationship of the Orang Asli and the other Malaysians. Journal of Asian Affairs1(2): 23–28. Also cited as a mimeographed report dated 1972.
19. BAKER, A. C. 1933. An account of a journey from the Cameron Highlands to the East Coast railway and of a visit to the Temiar settlements in the valleys of the Sungai Blatop and Sungai Ber. JMBRAS 11(2): 288–295.
20. BALAKRISHNAN, Saravanan. 1996. Orang Asli di Kampung Peta, Endau-Rompin dan interaksi mereka dengan alam sekitar [Orang Hulu of Kg. Peta and their environmental interactions]. Grad. ex., Department of Anthropology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.

Batek man making fire in 1993, photographed by Lye Tuck-Po

21. BALFOUR, Henry. 1914. Frictional fire-making with a flexible sawing-thong. JRAI 44: 32–64 — enjoyable distributional—ethnological—study of fire-making with a “flexible saw”. Based on a literature review and perusal of museum collections. For the Peninsula section, cites from: #Skagden on Western and Eastern Semang; Annandale and Robinson on Grik Semang and Semai of Batang Padang; and Cerruti on Semai. [LTP]
22. BANKS, David J. 1976. Assimilation to Malayness: A culture historical perspective. Journal of Asian Affairs 1: 87–96 — presents evidence of intermarriage and friendly co-operation between Orang Asli and Malays in Kedah [McClellan #618]. Reprinted 1979 in Intergroup relations: Asian scenes, ed. Tai S. Kang (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press).
23. BANNER, Hubert Stewart. 1929. A tropical tapestry. London: Butterworth — pp. 19–35 are on “Nomads of the Malayan jungle”.
24. BARBE (Reverend). 1850. Agriculture of the Mintra. Bengal Catholic Herald 12/6/1850 — on Temuan. Reprinted in JIA vol. 5, pp. 487–488.
25. BARNARD, R. C. 1933. The Sakai in Trolak Forest Reserve. Mal. For. 2: 18–20 — criticizes Semai shifting cultivation for being destructive of timber. [#ATR]

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